Happy Hallowe'en
Sunday was another quiet day here in Prague, and so I have not much to update you on. The one thing that happened is that I officially became an Associate Member at IBCP, which is lovely. I really feel like I'm settling in here. In a less happening way, I also planned a few more lessons, and I should well ahead of myself when Dad comes, so I'll have AMTAP (as much time as possible) to spend with him!
In lieu of a real update, please feel free to read the following list of random facts about me. Who knows, perhaps it will turn out to be absolutely riveting, and you'll wish that I had quiet days all the time so that more of this delicious blog fodder would be provided! :)
TEN Random Things About Me:
10. I collect giraffes. I have quite a large collection, mostly living in boxes at the moment, but I do have one little one here in Prague with me. We cuddle at night.
9. I have become gyros addict. Mmmm gyros.
8. On days when I feel conformist, my socks match my shirt, because my mum told me that they're supposed to. On those iconoclastic kind of days - well, bright orange duck socks with a baby-pink button down, anyone?
7. On the subject of matching, my hair elastic generally will match the outfit I'm wearing (yes, I know I'm weird).
6. I sleep on a fold out couch/futon thingamajig. It feel more like a nest than a bed, but I like it.
5. I have succumbed to Robin's fate, and live in the living room of a one bedroom apartment.
4. I'm really bad about enforcing the doing of homework. I assign it, I ask for it the day it's due, but if you don't have it... well, what can I do? You're a grown up!
3. I have become slightly addicted to Buffy. I actually have dreamt about it for two nights in a row.
2. I like dark beer, not light beer.
1. Back in high school I swore that I would never teach EFL/ESL. I'm officially eating my words. Maybe I should take back all that stuff I said about never getting married, just in case...
NINE Places I want to visit:
9. Germany
8. Salzburg! (Hi Elly!)
7. Lichtenschtein (I don't even know if I spelled it right, but I'd like to see it)
6. New York
5. South Africa
4. Spain
3. Greece
2. The Maritimes (I've only been to Nova Scotia)
1. Scotland
EIGHT Things I want to do before I die:
8. Finish my Masters
7. Get my Occupational Therapy degree, and work in a Senior Citizen's home/centre organizing as much of the therapy/treatment as possible
6. Own my own home
5. Live abroad again
4. Get married (there! I admitted it! I do, in actual fact, harbor a smallish desire to get married)
3. Learn to ski or snowboard
2. Travel. Travel. Travel. (see the places listed above)
1. Make a permanent imprint on the hearts of as many people as I can; become known for my love of other people.
SEVEN Ways to win my heart:
7. Be a believer whose beliefs actually matter to him
6. Teach something new, but don't be an all-knowing jerk about it!
5. Be creative!
4. Coming from a small town never hurt anyone. If you don't come from a small town, try to embrace the "country boy" attitudes of caring about people and being willing to stick up for what's right
3. Hold my hand
2. Be confident. As Michelle said, determination and ambition (reasonable ambition... no "I'm going to take over the world!" please!) are very attractive!
1. Cherish me
SIX Things I believe:
6. Living each day moment by moment doesn't just reduce the stress of life, it also helps you enjoy it more
5. If you want to complain about something, be prepared to do something about it. If all you want to do is b**** but not deal with it, I don't want to hear about it.
4. If you want to become a part of a community, you have to reach out first. It's hard, but that's just the way it is
3. Grammar IS boring, but it's also necessary if you want to speak English fluently!
2. My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus
1. For God so loved the world that he sent his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have eternal life.
FIVE Things I'm afraid of:
5. Black birds. Not just blackbirds, but all birds that are black
4. The ocean
3. Aggressive panhandlers
2. Homesickness
1. Not getting into grad school
FOUR of my Favorite Items in my bedroom:
*In my case, it would have to be my "living room"!*
4. Pictures of friends and family
3. Sprinkles. (My giraffe).
2. My comforter - oh so snuggly
1. The few books I have!
THREE Things I do everyday:
3. Read
2. Plan lessons
1. Pray
TWO Things I am trying not to do right now:
2. Worry about grad school - it's in God's hands
1. Think too much about home. I'm here, and it's where I want to be, so I want to focus on my "here-ness" instead of my "not there-ness"
ONE Person I want to see right now:
1. My mum. See, I know that my dad will be here in 12 days, but I don't really know when I'll see my mum again. So I want to see her.
That's all folks!
Ciao ciao,