That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Good Morning Sunshine

Ahoj! How's it going on this beautiful Sunday morning. I think we're going to have another nice day in Prague. It's been very sunny lately, which is wonderful... and it definitely encourages me to be outside in the nature as my students would say. Czech students have an obsession with the word "nature." They like be outside in the nature, they like to go to the nature, and they're convinced that Canada's has very beautiful nature. They use "nature" all the time... and I'm at the point now where I can't even tell if they're using it correctly or not. It's kind of one of those things that you just don't bother correcting because it's never going to change!

I believe I last posted on Friday morning. Friday noonish I met up with Courtney and we went for a bite to eat and for a walk around the centre. Spending time outside really helps my emotions, and it's good for me physically, too. Actually, all of this Prague living seems to be good for me. According to the 2 Kc scale at the metro station, there is currently 15lbs less of me to love. Don't worry, you can redistribute your love over the remaining pounds! It's crazy that I've lost that much weight without trying, but it sure explains why my pants are too big!

Friday night I went to the IBCP Bible study. I was a little worried about getting there, and then meeting all the people, but it was great! Amber, you'd never believe it, but it was pretty evenly split between guys and girls. (In Edmonton these kind of things are dominated by women... it seems like no guys ever show up). We met in Pastor Gareth's office, which is a bachelor ap't that they rent in their ap't building. It's such a nice place! We had pizza for dinner, and then talked about the story of the rich young man in Mark 10. The discussion was great. The other students in the group are clearly very intelligent, and it was a pleasure to sit and talk about the passage with them. I felt very welcomed and accepted, and I can't wait to go back. In fact, Pastor Gareth is going away next weekend, and they need another place to hold the Bible study. It's going to be at my place! *lol* Talk about getting involved right off the bat.

The group also holds a Saturday night coffee night, which I missed last night. Megan and I had already made plans to go out to Rob and Marta's place to meet up with some people and just hang out. It was a really nice time, just sitting and visiting and listening to music. I never used to get my energy from people, but these days it seems like all I want to do is spend time with my friends! I'm so thankful that I have friends to spend time with! Rob and Marta live in a really nice little apartment, and some of their Czech and Swedish friends were there, too, so we got to meet a few new people.

Speaking of new people, one of the girls that I met at IBCP was at the Bible study Friday night, and we've decided to go out for dinner on Tuesday. How exciting! She's from the USA, and is here studying at Charles University. I can't quite remember what it is that she's studying, but I'm sure that it will come up on Tuesdsay. :) I'm taking her to the Soup Place, because it sounds like she's never been there before. You can't live in Prague and not eat at the soup place! It's against all the rules! You could be arrested!

So it's been a good weekend. I even got some major lesson planning yesterday morning, and plan to finish planning all my lessons for the week today. I still need more contact hours, so please keep praying about that. I'm starting to get a bit worried that I'm not going to make enough to support myself. Please pray that I'll be financially responsible as well!! :)

I love you all, and hope you all have a great day!



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