That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's the eye of the tiger, it's the thrill of the fight...

that keeps me from getting, oh I don't know, settled in here!! *lol* Poor mum... she got a very depressed email from me earlier today. Starting this new job is more stressful than I'd originally anticipated, and I'm having some really fun bodily reactions to that. I didn't sleep much last night, as I had a terrible stomach ache and nausea. I went to a new class this morning on maybe 3 hours sleep, and with just a bun in my tummy. Oh, and 6 charcoal tablets from throughout the night... I think I may have overdone those just a bit. Let's just say that bathroom visits have been a bit blacker than usual. *lol* Ok, Ok, I know that was WAY too much info... but you have to vicariously share my pain!!

Nothing perks me up like being outside for a bit, though. It's 20C here this afternoon, and wandering along in the sunshine with a brisk wind tousling your hair; well, it cheered me up like only a phonecall from home can. Being that I'm still not feeling very well being out and about for an hour was exhausting. I think I'll finish this post up, and then have another little nap. But I don't want to nap too much; the last thing I need is to not be able to sleep tonight!!

I start another new class tomorrow. It's official: I'm up before 7 every weekday morning in order to make it to work on time. Say it with me folks: eeeew. But my classes seem really good, interested and energetic. Plus, they seem to like me. Yesterday I had two students tell me that I'm remarkably easy to understand; God bless the Canadian non-accent! We had to switch one of my classes to another time, and the staff at Skrivanek told me a couple of times that the lady from that class really likes me, and wants to continue working with me. Yes, yes, I'm tooting my own horn, but come on people, if it keeps me cheerful, you should encourage it!

Wednesdays are very long for me, which might be part of the reason why I was so out of whack last night. I have to be out of the house by 7:10 to be at a class at 7:30. I teach til 8:30, then have a two hour break. I teach waaaaaaaaaaaay out in Prague 6 at 10:30, so a lot of that 2 hrs is spent en route. Then I have a 2 1/2 hour break from 12 - 2:30. I found a cheap pub out at Bila Hora, so I think I will have lunch and plan lessons there on Wednesdays. Then it's into class from 2:30 - 4, an hour and a half break, and back into class from 5:30 - 7. wowzah. I can tell you one thing: I'm NOT taking on anymore 4 class days. One is going to be more than enough.

Tonight is good old Thursday night pub night. I'm going to go for a bit, just to see some friends and visit a little. But I'll have to be home early, since I have to be at class tomorrow at 7:30 am. :) Nothing helps with moderation like an early morning start. I'm looking forward to seeing some friends. I never used to get my energy from other people, but here in Prague I've come to rely on my friends when I'm feeling homesick. It's very unusual for me to want to be with people as much I have lately, but I'm enjoying it, and so will continue to chill with my mates.

Well, I really have nothing to say, and I'm just babbling on again here. I'm heading for my comfy (relatively, given it's a fold out couch) bed and a short snoozeroo. Email me!

Love y'all,



  • At 7:44 a.m., Blogger Karlie said…

    It's 20C there????? Ok I am officially sticking my tongue out at you.

    A question too, what are charcoal tablets? I've never heard of them before. Of course, I know you get a slurry of activated charcoal when they pump your stomach and stuff (NOT from personal experience, I swear).

  • At 8:49 a.m., Blogger Elizabeth said…

    Charcoal tablets are literally small round tabs of charcoal. They're what the pharmacist here will give you if you have an upset tummy due to gas. The charcoal absorbs the toxins and anything else upsetting your system. Kim says that I probably won't be able to get them in Canada, so I have to stock up before I come back!!

  • At 9:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    20C?? I had to scrape the frost off my windshield this morning!! I was thinking of you while I did it though, my hands were kept nice and warm by the mittens you gave me back in eleventh grade!!


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