I almost forgot about the funniest thing that happened today!
And why write only one post when you can write two!
After our 1st classes on Mondays, both Megan and I have a break, so we were back at the apartment, just hanging out. I walked over to the window to stare down at the street (and across into the neighbors' apartments... what can I say, I'm naturally curious!) like I frequently do, and I notice that the man across the street from us is doing some home repairs. He's using a power drill. And he's wearing ginch*. And nothing else. I stare, dumbfounded for a moment, hoping that perhaps he is simply wearing a flesh coloured unitard. Nope. This guy is using POWER TOOLS while wearing only his tighty-whities. And they aren't particularly white. Due to the dust, they are more like tighty-dirty-greyies. Say it with me people: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. As all of this sinks in, I start babbling incoherently about it to Megan, while backing away from the window. After a couple minutes of incomprehensibleness from me, she approaches the window herself to figure out what on earth is going on.
"Oh," she says "now he's sanding."
"Ew!" I respond. "He's going to get sawdust in his..." Sat it with me again people, and this time with feeling. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Isn't home repair in one's ginch unsafe? Doesn't the WHMIS course cover this dangerous activity? Is this rampant in the Czech Republic? Do I need to start a one-woman crusade against this? Shall I commence the GAPTDM (pronounced "gapthim") program ("Ginch and Power Tools Don't Mix)? This is dangerous! Unsafe! Revolting!
...and yet it's such good blog fodder that I hope he's there again tomorrow....
Ciao ciao,
*ginch is a slang term for one's underpants. I believe it is a fairly Canadian term, with it's roots in Ukranian or Polish
After our 1st classes on Mondays, both Megan and I have a break, so we were back at the apartment, just hanging out. I walked over to the window to stare down at the street (and across into the neighbors' apartments... what can I say, I'm naturally curious!) like I frequently do, and I notice that the man across the street from us is doing some home repairs. He's using a power drill. And he's wearing ginch*. And nothing else. I stare, dumbfounded for a moment, hoping that perhaps he is simply wearing a flesh coloured unitard. Nope. This guy is using POWER TOOLS while wearing only his tighty-whities. And they aren't particularly white. Due to the dust, they are more like tighty-dirty-greyies. Say it with me people: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. As all of this sinks in, I start babbling incoherently about it to Megan, while backing away from the window. After a couple minutes of incomprehensibleness from me, she approaches the window herself to figure out what on earth is going on.
"Oh," she says "now he's sanding."
"Ew!" I respond. "He's going to get sawdust in his..." Sat it with me again people, and this time with feeling. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
Isn't home repair in one's ginch unsafe? Doesn't the WHMIS course cover this dangerous activity? Is this rampant in the Czech Republic? Do I need to start a one-woman crusade against this? Shall I commence the GAPTDM (pronounced "gapthim") program ("Ginch and Power Tools Don't Mix)? This is dangerous! Unsafe! Revolting!
...and yet it's such good blog fodder that I hope he's there again tomorrow....
Ciao ciao,
*ginch is a slang term for one's underpants. I believe it is a fairly Canadian term, with it's roots in Ukranian or Polish
At 2:45 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
GAPTDM had me laughing my butt off! Way to go.
At 11:43 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
hello elizabeth!
i am sorry i haven't commented lately on your adventures. i must catch up... congratulations on your 2-month anniversary! all in all, it sounds like you are managing to thrive...
GAPTDM -- oh my! that is funny. & i think you're right about 'ginch' (or gonch). in some dialects in western ukraine, there's the slang term 'honchietky' for underpants ('hatky' or 'ghatky' in standard ukrainian) yay etymology!
& happy czech day on friday! knowing their nationalistic tendencies, it should be interesting & full of crazyness...
so yes, you are in my thoughts. i hope everything works out with the course hours & money.
take care & be well!
ps: chris is having a tea party this saturday. i will miss seeing you there. if you're not too busy, try to be there in spirit -- 2 pm it starts, earlier if you want to help cook ;)
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