I'm slowing down on the updating
Sorry about the lack of consistent updates, but now that my life is settling into more of a routine, there is less to tell you all about! :) Dad asked me yesterday to send him my schedule so that he could know what I'm doing, when. I thought the rest of you might also be interested, so here it is!
Elizabeth's Weekly Schedule
- wake up when I like, but since I'm now on a schedule, it's usually between 7 and 8
- hang out
- church from 11-12:30
- spend the afternoon doing whatever it is I feel like doing!
- into bed between 9 and 10
- wake up at 6, shower and clean up
- first class: one on one class in Wenceslas Square (right near my house) from 7:30-8:30
- home to do a bit of planning, relaxing, and perchance a bit of napping
- leave ap't at around 12 to go to Skrivanek (my head company) to do my photocopying for the week
- go from Skrivanek to my next class: a one on one at an auto dealership about 20 minutes away from Skrivanek
- this student does not like to work very hard! He only wants to do conversation, but his English isn't good enough for that. I have to harass him to get him to do the grammar stuff!
- go from the autosalon to my next and final class; this takes awhile because the bus hits rush hour traffic
- stop for a croissant sandwich on the way to tide me over
- teach my last class: a public class of 4 or 5 Ss (students) that I absolutely love
- wake up at 6, shower and get ready
- 20 minutes on the metro to Opatov, then 17 minutes on the bus to my company
- teach a group class of Upper Intermediates: I like them and they work hard, but I get the feeling that they laugh at me a lot :)
- head back into town
- have the rest of the day for running of errands and such because I don't teach again until:
- teach at Oxford TEFL from 4:45 - 6. I go in a bit early to get ready for the class and to do all my photocopying
- get up at 6 - this is my loooooong day
- head out to a one on one class for 7:30; this class is advanced banking, which is very challenging!!
- go from that class to a one on one class out by the Auto dealership. I don't know much about this lady because we have only ever met once
- go from that class back to a neighborhood called Bila Hora, where I eat lunch and hang out for about an hour or so between my classes. Not enough time to go home, too much time to just sit in Bila Hora! Fortunately I have a library card, so I can now take a book with me and read.
- Teach at the Autosalon; we do lots of grammar on Monday, so I try and make it more conversational on Wednesdays
- go from the Autosalon to my public class, snagging a snack along the way
- teach my public class until 7:00 pm
- stagger home exhausted and fall into bed!
- get up at 6 and get ready
- make the same trip I do on Tuesday, but this time to teach an intermediate class that I quite like
- have I mentioned that this company is a toy company? They're very relaxed, and there are fun things everywhere!!
- have the day to run errands, etc.
- teach at Oxford TEFL from 4:45 - 6:30
- pub night! My Ss and I go from class to the pub and sit and visit and wait for everyone else to show up to sit and visit with as well
- head home and fall into bed
- only one class today: advanced banking from 7:30 - 8:30. Drag myself out of bed for this class.
- Rest of the day free!
- Bible study at 6:30. Last week we met at the Pastor's office, this week it's at my place because the Pastor is out of town
- meet up with friends, or just head to bed because I'm tired
- do whatever it is I feel like doing!
I really appreciate all of your supportive emails as I've been dealing with all of these emotions this week. I'm feeling better, and I think I'm starting to settle. Please continue to pray about the contact hours. Today I had two classes offered to me, but both are at times when I'm already in a class. How frustrating is that???? I'm financially Ok for the time being, but the lack of classes is really going to limit how much extra travelling I can do, which is sad. :(
Thank you all for your prayers and support! I will keep my eyes open this week for entertaining anecdotes. Oh, and I'm going to a day-long women's retreat on Saturday at the church, so I'm looking forward to that, and I'm sure I'll have an interesting update for you on Sunday! Just hang on through the more boring ones this week, knowing that better things are coming!
Love always,
Elizabeth's Weekly Schedule
- wake up when I like, but since I'm now on a schedule, it's usually between 7 and 8
- hang out
- church from 11-12:30
- spend the afternoon doing whatever it is I feel like doing!
- into bed between 9 and 10
- wake up at 6, shower and clean up
- first class: one on one class in Wenceslas Square (right near my house) from 7:30-8:30
- home to do a bit of planning, relaxing, and perchance a bit of napping
- leave ap't at around 12 to go to Skrivanek (my head company) to do my photocopying for the week
- go from Skrivanek to my next class: a one on one at an auto dealership about 20 minutes away from Skrivanek
- this student does not like to work very hard! He only wants to do conversation, but his English isn't good enough for that. I have to harass him to get him to do the grammar stuff!
- go from the autosalon to my next and final class; this takes awhile because the bus hits rush hour traffic
- stop for a croissant sandwich on the way to tide me over
- teach my last class: a public class of 4 or 5 Ss (students) that I absolutely love
- wake up at 6, shower and get ready
- 20 minutes on the metro to Opatov, then 17 minutes on the bus to my company
- teach a group class of Upper Intermediates: I like them and they work hard, but I get the feeling that they laugh at me a lot :)
- head back into town
- have the rest of the day for running of errands and such because I don't teach again until:
- teach at Oxford TEFL from 4:45 - 6. I go in a bit early to get ready for the class and to do all my photocopying
- get up at 6 - this is my loooooong day
- head out to a one on one class for 7:30; this class is advanced banking, which is very challenging!!
- go from that class to a one on one class out by the Auto dealership. I don't know much about this lady because we have only ever met once
- go from that class back to a neighborhood called Bila Hora, where I eat lunch and hang out for about an hour or so between my classes. Not enough time to go home, too much time to just sit in Bila Hora! Fortunately I have a library card, so I can now take a book with me and read.
- Teach at the Autosalon; we do lots of grammar on Monday, so I try and make it more conversational on Wednesdays
- go from the Autosalon to my public class, snagging a snack along the way
- teach my public class until 7:00 pm
- stagger home exhausted and fall into bed!
- get up at 6 and get ready
- make the same trip I do on Tuesday, but this time to teach an intermediate class that I quite like
- have I mentioned that this company is a toy company? They're very relaxed, and there are fun things everywhere!!
- have the day to run errands, etc.
- teach at Oxford TEFL from 4:45 - 6:30
- pub night! My Ss and I go from class to the pub and sit and visit and wait for everyone else to show up to sit and visit with as well
- head home and fall into bed
- only one class today: advanced banking from 7:30 - 8:30. Drag myself out of bed for this class.
- Rest of the day free!
- Bible study at 6:30. Last week we met at the Pastor's office, this week it's at my place because the Pastor is out of town
- meet up with friends, or just head to bed because I'm tired
- do whatever it is I feel like doing!
I really appreciate all of your supportive emails as I've been dealing with all of these emotions this week. I'm feeling better, and I think I'm starting to settle. Please continue to pray about the contact hours. Today I had two classes offered to me, but both are at times when I'm already in a class. How frustrating is that???? I'm financially Ok for the time being, but the lack of classes is really going to limit how much extra travelling I can do, which is sad. :(
Thank you all for your prayers and support! I will keep my eyes open this week for entertaining anecdotes. Oh, and I'm going to a day-long women's retreat on Saturday at the church, so I'm looking forward to that, and I'm sure I'll have an interesting update for you on Sunday! Just hang on through the more boring ones this week, knowing that better things are coming!
Love always,
At 10:11 p.m.,
Elizabeth said…
Hi Kate-the-Great,
I'm glad you like the journal. I like feeling as though I'm connected with my friends and family back home, and this seems like a good way to do it.
I miss you and our family and friends quite a bit, but I'm trying hard to build a community for myself here. When I'm feeling a bit weepy, I think about how exciting it's going to be to see everyone at the airport in July!!
I love you!! Oh, and your letter arrived. Thanks so much for writing to me! It was great to get a snail mail letter. You and Grandma are definitely tops in my books for writing me real letters. :)
At 2:15 p.m.,
Karlie said…
It sounds very busy where you are! Things are busy here too, I got the stomach flu (only a week after you!) and missed some MORE classes, sheesh. Got lots of work to do to finish up Hallowe'en costumes and such, as well as all my schoolwork of course!
Hugs and Love!
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