That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

It feels like home

Morning all. It's all of 9am here, and it's beautifully sunny outside. I'm going to wrap up this post, have a shower, and get out into the sunshine. Goodness knows that it seems to occasionally be a bit limited here, which is very disappointing. I'm not certain what I'm going to do today, but I think I might check out Letna Park, which I here is lovely.

We had hoped that Adrian and Courtney were going to come over last night, but Courtney was under the weather, so that plan fell through. Instead, Megan and I hung out and watched some more Buffy. I realize that many of you think that this is crazy behavior, but please remember that we have no tv here. Which I might cope better with if I had something to read. Hm. Today I will also go to the Prague library, and try to get a library card. I'm going nuts with no tv AND no books! There's only so much time that I can spend with other people without getting seriously cranky.

I realized last night that this is the longest amount of time that I have ever been away from home. (I define "away from home" as "haven't seen my parents in person." ) To those of you who went away for university, I know this sounds a bit silly, but for me it's proof that I'm a hell of a lot tougher than I imagine. The last time I tried to go away for a month or so it was to Nova Scotia, and I phoned home every day, weeping as often as not. Now, that was 4 years ago, so hopefully I've grown up a bit, but still. This is just incredible. It also boggles my mind that I've been able to accomplish so much on my own. I finished my course, made arrangements for an apartment, and found a job. I have a group of friends, I've gone to church, and I'm dealing with all of the every day situations that arise from these things. Would someone fill me in.... when I did I become so capable?! ;)

Hopefully something funny and entertaining will happen today so that I can tell you all about it. For now, there isn't much to say, so I'll end here. I hope you all have a great Saturday... when you get started on it in 8 hours or so.



  • At 6:19 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I know what you mean about no TV or books; I don't have a tv in my room here, and just as often as not the huge one downstairs is already taken. Even though I'm also here to learn French sometimes I just want to not think and watch English (and they do have lot sof English channels). I've already purchased 7 books from value Village, and not gotten hooked on some ridiculous romance series. I also started rereading them b/c there is such comfort in just relaxing and reading. As for the Buffy...well, actually, Shane has most of the seasons and for the past year we've made our way all the way through season 6. Sadly enough I'm now dying to find someone with season 7! You should try watching Angel, a spinoff of Buffy; it's pretty good.
    That's all for me. Off to see Charlevoix, and region of Quebec, and lo and behold there is actually real sun this weekend!

  • At 1:06 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I am so happy for you. Its great to hear you are doing so well on your own, although i figured you would. take care!


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