That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Serious Lack of Title Inspiration

Morning all! I had no idea what to title to this post, but don't worry, it's not because I'm homesick or miserable. It's just that nothing too exciting has happened since yesterday.

I taught 3 classes yesterday, which is just right for a day's work. My first class was the one on one I was telling you about, and it went really well. The next class is supposed to have 2 students, but I've only ever had one so far. His English is relatively weak, and so I have to push him a bit. He does NOT like being pushed! But I try to keep the atmosphere really light and friendly, and we get along Ok. We did a fair amount of grammar in yesterday's class (no student likes grammar!!) so the plan is to make tomorrow's class more conversation focused. Any ideas for conversation games out there?? My last class is my favorite class. It's a public class, so these people are choosing to be there (as opposed to being forced to by their companies) and they are really motiviated. They're friendly and funny, and last night's unit was on humor, so we had a good time. The class runs from 5:30 - 7, so everyone gets pretty tired when they sit and do grammar exercises. I make them stand up halfway through and stretch and wiggle and laugh (yes, they are adults, and yes, they do it willingly). It helps wake us up!! It was awesome telling them jokes last night and having them understand them! Humor is so hard to understand in another language, so I was so proud that they got the jokes! We did spend a lot of time on grammar though, so it's a conversation heavy class next time.

I only have one class today (please pray that I get a few more classes still - my schedule is a bit light, making it hard on the ol' paycheque), and it was first thing this morning, so it's done and out of the way. It also went well. Last week, this class had 6/8 students come, which is great. 6 is a really easy number to work with. This week, only 3 showed up! Was I that bad? ;) Anyhoo, we worked together as a small group for most of the time, and there were a couple of times where we managed to really get the conversation going. How exciting!

Megan and I are meeting Courtney for lunch, which will be nice. I haven't seen her in a couple of days, which is just too long! Then we're heading to the library. I am DESPERATE for books. Desperate. In fact, if oh say, mum were interested in sending me something wonderful she could order me books online and have them shipped here! :D I'm sad, because I have to pay 1000 Kc ($50 CDN) deposit since I don't have my visa yet. Owch - especially since finances are tight right now. But I believe that me reading is a priority, and it IS only a deposit. Since I do tend to return my books and to not destroy them, I figure that odds are good I'll get the money back either when I get my visa or when I cancel my library card. YAY BOOKS!!!!!!

Ok, well I'm off now. I'll let you know if anything exciting happens. Thank you Grandma for your letter; it arrived today. You are the best letter writer ever. Listen to this people - 6 pages of actual news about my family and various things that they have been up to. It also included some very excellent advice, and some solid quotations to help me understand God better, and to beat the homesickness. No one, and I mean NO ONE writes a letter like my Grandma!! But you may all feel free to try, I'll happily read any attempts that you would care to make! ;)

Love you all - all of you who should come visit!



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