That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

To Beauty 2 U

The title of this post is from a t-shirt Megan saw in the metro. We think it's supposed to say "Too beautiful 4 U"... but we aren't really sure. Any other ideas?

Something eventful happened today, so I thought that I would tell you all about it. Actually, I accomplished TWO difficult tasks today (red letter day!), so it's definitely time for an update.

Difficult Thing the First:

I got a month long bus pass. This requires a passport-sized photo, a passport, and 480 Kc. I did not have my passport with me (keep this in mind... it becomes important later), but I got the lady to use my driver's license instead. Now I can ride the metro hassle free for 30 days! Hurrah! It was actually less difficult than I anticipated, because there was no line-up, and the lady spoke fairly good English.

Difficult Thing the Second:

I went to get a library card. First, Megan and I rode to the correct metro stop. After a false start, we managed to find the library. I went in, found the little information office, and sat down to fill in the application, aided by a very nice Czech girl who speaks quite good English. She asks for my passport (I told you it was important!), and I say I don't have it, but I offer her my driver's license. Weep, weep! It is no good! If you are not an EU citizen, you must show them your passport! What is the POINT of having the Queen on all of your money, and paying taxes to support her Canadian offices when you can't use your driver's license to get a public library card in the Czech Republic??? I demand that the Queen rectify this immediately!

Queen or no Queen, my driver's license isn't going to cut it. Megan and I walk home, I get my passport, walk to the metro, ride the metro, walk to the library, head back to the information office... and it's a different lady. She tells me that I have to stand in this huge (!) line up to get a library card! What happened to the "no line up nice Czech girl helping me" thing? I liked that! I stand in line (for FOREVER), get to the front... and the woman speaks NO ENGLISH. She hands me a form that's all in Czech, says I need Canadian and Czech contact information... and sends me out of line to fill it out. Weep, weep! I can't understand the form, I lost my spot in line... alas! I head back to the information office, and sneak in. Avoiding eye contact with the "made me stand in line" lady, I tiptoe over to the nice, speaks English girl. She sits me down, and helps me fill in the form. I look at her with puppy dog eyes, imploring her silently to complete the process in this nice little office.... but she sadly sends me out to the back of the line.

I wait forever again. Get to the front... same No English lady. We make it work, though. I pay 1000 Kc deposit, plus 80 Kc for the card... and I have a library card! *sounds of the masses rejoicing* I took out 7 books! All in English! My day has been redeemed! Two difficult tasks accomplished! I am wonderful! All should be in awe of me and my library card getting abilities!!

Ok, Ok, enough hyperbole. I have a bus pass and books, and I'm happy. I'm going to a coffee night for youth from the church, and I'm happy. I teach 3 classes tomorrow that I'm pretty prepared for, and I'm pretty happy. It's a good day.

Love you all,


  • At 1:25 p.m., Blogger Karlie said…

    Ah yes, what would we do without books? I'm so glad you finally got a library card, that should help take your mind off things. What did you take out? What will you be reading? Do you want any new suggestions for next time?

  • At 10:16 p.m., Blogger Elizabeth said…

    I took out a few of Louise Erdrich's books that I haven't read (not sure I spelt her last name correctly), some short stories from Wales, some Czech short stories (translated into English) and a couple of fluffier books. Suggestions are great, only the English section in the Prague library consists of maybe 10 shelves all together, so there really isn't a lot of choice. Maybe I'll make it my goal to read every English book they have!!


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