Well slap me silly and call me a llama...
Hi all!
I got a bit of unexpected news today (read: totally out of the blue, craaazy). Michael gave me a call at work, and said I needed to phone the Sportsplex. I gave them a call, expecting to be asked if I wanted to be put on the sub-list for the summer camp, which I'd only be available to do on Mondays, and so wouldn't be very worthwhile.
Well slap me silly! Instead, I got a job offer! I'm going to be an instructor/leader Monday thru Friday from 8:30 - 10:30. Yup, only 10 hrs./week, but it'll sure help with the savings (it pays [I believe] nearly twice what I make at the Pier). Plus, I can keep my full time hours down't the Pier. Yeah, my schedule'll be a bit nutty, what with mornings at the camp and nights at the Pier, but I'll still have all day Sunday off, and only work the morning on Mondays.
You know, Garth Brooks once said "sometimes I thank God/for unanswered prayers," and I must admit I concur. I really wanted to go full-time with the summer program, but it would have meant leaving my current place of work in the lurch (I'm not sure there are a lot of good full time people available right now), and I'd miss the girls. I also kind of like my schedule as it is. This 10 hour a week job fits right in with what I already have; it's just like a complete bonus. So thanks be to a gracious God, who always knows best. Yay!
So tomorrow I'm redoing my first aid (I need kids' CPR), and then next Thursday I'll sign all the paperwork, and give in my reference letters. I should start the following Monday, I think.
PS - Yeah, Kim, my brain does hurt from thinking. In fact, I often wonder if other people think like I do at all! I'll be at work, doing something fairly mindless, like making waffle cones, and in my head, behind the "grab the waffle/lay it down/roll it/pinch/set down" my braing is going "you know, I'm not sure I'd be a good mum. I'm way too selfish. But kids can be so rewarding, and who will curl my hair when I can't do it anymore?" I don't wait til 'pondering time' to think over deep things. Sometimes I'll be scooping a cone and thinking "why does God choose to miraculously heal some people, and not others? Should we pray for healing? Should we just pray for the strength to get through it?" and then I have to stop thinking and ring it through. Does anyone else ever do these things??
I got a bit of unexpected news today (read: totally out of the blue, craaazy). Michael gave me a call at work, and said I needed to phone the Sportsplex. I gave them a call, expecting to be asked if I wanted to be put on the sub-list for the summer camp, which I'd only be available to do on Mondays, and so wouldn't be very worthwhile.
Well slap me silly! Instead, I got a job offer! I'm going to be an instructor/leader Monday thru Friday from 8:30 - 10:30. Yup, only 10 hrs./week, but it'll sure help with the savings (it pays [I believe] nearly twice what I make at the Pier). Plus, I can keep my full time hours down't the Pier. Yeah, my schedule'll be a bit nutty, what with mornings at the camp and nights at the Pier, but I'll still have all day Sunday off, and only work the morning on Mondays.
You know, Garth Brooks once said "sometimes I thank God/for unanswered prayers," and I must admit I concur. I really wanted to go full-time with the summer program, but it would have meant leaving my current place of work in the lurch (I'm not sure there are a lot of good full time people available right now), and I'd miss the girls. I also kind of like my schedule as it is. This 10 hour a week job fits right in with what I already have; it's just like a complete bonus. So thanks be to a gracious God, who always knows best. Yay!
So tomorrow I'm redoing my first aid (I need kids' CPR), and then next Thursday I'll sign all the paperwork, and give in my reference letters. I should start the following Monday, I think.
PS - Yeah, Kim, my brain does hurt from thinking. In fact, I often wonder if other people think like I do at all! I'll be at work, doing something fairly mindless, like making waffle cones, and in my head, behind the "grab the waffle/lay it down/roll it/pinch/set down" my braing is going "you know, I'm not sure I'd be a good mum. I'm way too selfish. But kids can be so rewarding, and who will curl my hair when I can't do it anymore?" I don't wait til 'pondering time' to think over deep things. Sometimes I'll be scooping a cone and thinking "why does God choose to miraculously heal some people, and not others? Should we pray for healing? Should we just pray for the strength to get through it?" and then I have to stop thinking and ring it through. Does anyone else ever do these things??
At 9:13 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
I think like that too, quite often I find myself sitting at work thinking about babies, marriage, my dream wedding and what I want to do with my life. I am very selfish as well. If I have babies, that means I have less shoes and purses! But inspite of that, I have come to the conclusion that I do want kids eventually. Now, with that said, I also sit at my desk and think "is my hair shiny enough today?" haha. Oh yes, and further to your earlier post:
Baby, baby
Im taken with the notion
To love you with the sweetest of devotion
Baby, baby
My tender love will flow from
The bluest sky to the deepest ocean
Stop for a minute
Baby, Im so glad youre mine
Now you have more of the song to sing!
PS I used to love this song!*blushes*
At 2:25 p.m.,
Karlie said…
Yes, I do that all the time, although with me it's always worries eating at me :P I really REALLY need to find a way to unload my worries (prayer is good, but I need someone who talks back lol).
At 11:10 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
I seem to do most of my thinking when I'm driving. And usually it's analyzing/arguing my relationship with Shane and pondering and new guys or possibilities in my life. That includes the guy I've had a crush on for almost 4 years, just got in contact with again, had two group dates (dates in my mind, who knows what in his), and now he's taken off to Monaco for at least a month and a half. Oh yeah, do I ever have good luck. But I do kind of think I should just work on my current life, have fun with my friends and stuff like that. I'm looking for a guy, but open to new friends (yet suspicious that all any guy wants is sex anyway and won't stay in the relationship if there is no sex) but still kind of anxious that I may never find that guy. Because I definitely want to be married and want kids, somewhere around 2 or 3. But thinking about something you have so little power over seems so frustrating.
Oh, and "Baby, Baby" just makes me think of Brittany Spears' "Oh baby, baby, I did it again. I played with your heart..." song.
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