That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Saturday, June 24, 2006


You know, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not the most graceful person. I've been known to trip over my own feet, or to be incapable of walking a straight line sober (walking next to me on a sidewalk is like playing bumper cars). But I've never really considered myself 'klutzy.' I'm not usually someone who runs around constantly injuring herself.

That is, until I started working at the Pier. I don't know what it is about that place! I was going to take pics of all my owies, but that seemed a little weird. So I'll just fill you in. I've got a large bruise on the top of my foot, and I have no idea what it's from. I almost never bruise (I scar super easily, but don't bruise!), so I can't figure out how I managed to hit it that hard, and not realize it! Maybe I dropped one of the ice cream tubs on it. Hmm.... Anyhoo, my legs are doing Ok (yay!) but my arms and hands are covered with scratches and cuts. They come from digging through a deep freeze trying to get specific tubs out. My skin gets cold, and then the buckets scratch it. Ow! I shall have many a new scar on my arms by the end of this summer.

The worst one at the moment happened yesterday, though. And I'm not quite sure how it happened (I think I should work on my observation skills!). I was at work, making waffle cones, and suddenly I noticed that my eye felt like it was burning. Ja. suggested washing my make up off, so I went into the staffroom/bathroom (looooong story), and checked it out. I have somehow managed to BURN the skin right next to my right eye. We figure that oil from the deep fryer must have splashed me somehow. I am most grateful that it didn't actually hit me in the eye, as it's sore enough next to it!

So in some ways, it appears that I've become dangerous to myself. :) In others.... Well, I've had 3 tennis lessons now, and can occasionally get a volley going with Michael. Of course, I also occasionally hit the ball right at the guy in the other court, which is embarassing. :D I also went to step class this morning with Amy, and I did alright. No fancy hams today, though - so I couldn't show off my mad skilz. Instead it was this crazy lady with a million tiny little steps for us to do. I got about 869 098 of them down, so not too too bad. I don't think Amy was fainting with shame for bringing me!

Tonight's my last night on a 6 night stretch at work, and I'm so glad it's my 'Friday.' Yesterday was mad busy, and I imagine tonight will be, too. We're rather understaffed, so hopefully the boss shows up to help us out - else it'll be me and the new guy, who has worked for all of 5 1/2 hours! Poor new guy; talk about trial by fire.

Then tomorrow we're going down island to do some shopping. I think I'm going to buy my own tennis racquet. I looked online, and I can take not-for-credit lessons at the U for not a bad price, so I can keep learning.

And Monday - sweet Monday - I'm going to spend ALL DAY in Michael's hammock, reading. Wonderful...



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