Wanted: Husband. (But not just yet...)
So Michael and Amy and I have spent quite a bit of time talking and joking about me getting married. For a long time I swore I'd never get married, I'd be single forever. Then I realized that could potentially be a bit lonely, so I thought that maybe I'd consider marriage. Finally I realized that I do, in fact, want to be married someday. First I'd like to own a car, have my own small house (and mortgage!), and own a dog... but eventually, marriage seems like a good idea.
So I guess I'd better figure out what I want! :D I did an exercise with my Czech students, where they had to organize a selection of attributes into things they 'needed' in a boss, and things they 'wanted.' Oddly enough, all of my students that 'punctual' was a characteristic neither needed nor wanted. It just doesn't matter to them! Ending this tangent, I'm going to organize my list in the same way.
Wanted: One future husband. Please read the needed and wanted sections, and decide if you're interested in applying. If so, please send me an email in... oh, say... 2008?
1. You must be a Christian. This is my number one need, and yet I'm so good at ignoring it! But no more. My beliefs are who I am, and in order to not compromise my identity, I need a husband who also believes. And this isn't an "I'm a Christian, but I don't believe in organized religion" etc. etc. etc. I want someone who's been facing the same struggles and issues I have, and has coped with them by growing more deeply into a relationship with Christ.
2. Intelligent! I like smart people, and you have to be one smart cookie. Being smarter than I am is optional. ;)
3. Compassionate. You had better be a kind and gentle person. I want the kind of guy who can diffuse a tense situation, pick a hurt kid up off the playground and dry her tears, and who knows when he needs to step in and give a helping hand.
4. Humorous. If you don't find Fawlty Towers funny - well... let's just say your chances aren't so good. ;)
5. Gainfully employed/intelligently ambitious. I'm a goal-oriented person. I know where I'm going (generally speaking), and I work hard to get there. I need to be with someone who also has some focus and drive. Also - you better either be working, or be in school. No bums allowed!! :) Also, no psychotic drive to be the absolute best at absolutely everything. No weeks on end of 18 hour days at the office/clinic/school/whatever. I want someone who's actually around occasionally!
6. Assertive. I don't want to deal with passive-agressive nonsense. If something's up, tell me in a nice way, and we can work through it. Also, carry through with your promises. If you tell me you're going to help me fix something, help me fix it. Otherwise, don't volunteer.
7. A reader. If you can't remember the last time you picked up a book, turn around and walk away. Now. Before you get hurt.
8. Nuts about me! You better be crazy about me, or else this'll never work. Nothing else will enable you to put up with my crazy habits, including that of posting lists of what I want in FHs on the internet.
*Before we start the wants list... if a guy has all the needs but NONE of the wants - odds are is just isn't going to work!
1. A BIG reader! I love to read, and it's probably a good thing if you LOVE to read, too.
2. Generous. Don't cheap out on tipping the waitress. That $2 doesn't mean much to you, but it means a lot to her. Just hand it over. Also, please give regularly to charities and missions. If you're generous with other people, I trust you to be generous with me, too!
3. Dog lover. I want to own a dog. More specifically, a schipperke. If you don't like dogs, we may have a small issue! If you're willing to work through it, you may still have a chance. ;)
4. Tidy. I don't mind doing most of the housework - I'm kind of a stay-at-home girl at heart. But it'd be great if you pitched in on a regular basis.
5. Good with your hands. Spark plugs need changing? Bathroom cabinet needs to be put up? Sure hope you can do these things.... I come from a family of men who are all 'handy,' so I don't want to phone a pro for all the small stuff!
6. University educated. I find that I generally get on better with people who have post-secondary education.
7. Moderately well-travelled. I like to talk about where people have been, and what they've seen. So it's a plus if you've been around the world a bit. :)
And that's my list. It may be updated should I think of anything else majorly important. Now all of you can keep an eye out for me, and send me your referrals in a year or two (or six!).
So I guess I'd better figure out what I want! :D I did an exercise with my Czech students, where they had to organize a selection of attributes into things they 'needed' in a boss, and things they 'wanted.' Oddly enough, all of my students that 'punctual' was a characteristic neither needed nor wanted. It just doesn't matter to them! Ending this tangent, I'm going to organize my list in the same way.
Wanted: One future husband. Please read the needed and wanted sections, and decide if you're interested in applying. If so, please send me an email in... oh, say... 2008?
1. You must be a Christian. This is my number one need, and yet I'm so good at ignoring it! But no more. My beliefs are who I am, and in order to not compromise my identity, I need a husband who also believes. And this isn't an "I'm a Christian, but I don't believe in organized religion" etc. etc. etc. I want someone who's been facing the same struggles and issues I have, and has coped with them by growing more deeply into a relationship with Christ.
2. Intelligent! I like smart people, and you have to be one smart cookie. Being smarter than I am is optional. ;)
3. Compassionate. You had better be a kind and gentle person. I want the kind of guy who can diffuse a tense situation, pick a hurt kid up off the playground and dry her tears, and who knows when he needs to step in and give a helping hand.
4. Humorous. If you don't find Fawlty Towers funny - well... let's just say your chances aren't so good. ;)
5. Gainfully employed/intelligently ambitious. I'm a goal-oriented person. I know where I'm going (generally speaking), and I work hard to get there. I need to be with someone who also has some focus and drive. Also - you better either be working, or be in school. No bums allowed!! :) Also, no psychotic drive to be the absolute best at absolutely everything. No weeks on end of 18 hour days at the office/clinic/school/whatever. I want someone who's actually around occasionally!
6. Assertive. I don't want to deal with passive-agressive nonsense. If something's up, tell me in a nice way, and we can work through it. Also, carry through with your promises. If you tell me you're going to help me fix something, help me fix it. Otherwise, don't volunteer.
7. A reader. If you can't remember the last time you picked up a book, turn around and walk away. Now. Before you get hurt.
8. Nuts about me! You better be crazy about me, or else this'll never work. Nothing else will enable you to put up with my crazy habits, including that of posting lists of what I want in FHs on the internet.
*Before we start the wants list... if a guy has all the needs but NONE of the wants - odds are is just isn't going to work!
1. A BIG reader! I love to read, and it's probably a good thing if you LOVE to read, too.
2. Generous. Don't cheap out on tipping the waitress. That $2 doesn't mean much to you, but it means a lot to her. Just hand it over. Also, please give regularly to charities and missions. If you're generous with other people, I trust you to be generous with me, too!
3. Dog lover. I want to own a dog. More specifically, a schipperke. If you don't like dogs, we may have a small issue! If you're willing to work through it, you may still have a chance. ;)
4. Tidy. I don't mind doing most of the housework - I'm kind of a stay-at-home girl at heart. But it'd be great if you pitched in on a regular basis.
5. Good with your hands. Spark plugs need changing? Bathroom cabinet needs to be put up? Sure hope you can do these things.... I come from a family of men who are all 'handy,' so I don't want to phone a pro for all the small stuff!
6. University educated. I find that I generally get on better with people who have post-secondary education.
7. Moderately well-travelled. I like to talk about where people have been, and what they've seen. So it's a plus if you've been around the world a bit. :)
And that's my list. It may be updated should I think of anything else majorly important. Now all of you can keep an eye out for me, and send me your referrals in a year or two (or six!).
At 9:57 a.m.,
Shelly said…
I ran across your blog quite a while ago and found it to be quite amusing, so I come back frequently to "visit" and I'm never disappointed with your postings. Having recently found and married the man who met all the requirements on my list (and believe me there were a lot of requirements) I just wanted to say...stick with it! It took me several years to find the right man, but God has truly blessed me with the mate he intended for me from the beginning. Your personality certainly shines in your blog and I just know there is someone special for you in this big world. Don't settle for anything less than the best God has for you.
At 7:09 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Hey Baby,
Nice ass!
At 12:59 a.m.,
Elizabeth said…
Well darn. I generally prefer it when dipshits like yourself leave names with their compliments.
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