Check these out!
Good morning all! I was browsing through the internet (sort of like running through a field of buttercups, only different) and I found the best.thing.ever. Click here to see the amazingness that some brilliant person has created. I'd love to have one at work, for when the person that you're attempting to help is also talking on their cellphone, and giving you dirty looks for having the AUDACITY to ask him/her what kind of ice cream s/he wants, in an attempt to keep the line moving. Oh the glee! The sheer joy I would get! How quickly I would be fired! :D
The weather here has been a bit grey this week, so work's been a bit slow. We listened to the hockey game Monday night, and since all the locals were cheering for Carolina (since Brin-d'amour... whoo, don't think I spelled THAT right... is from CR), and I was cheering for the Oil, there were several heated exchanges over who deserved the Cup. Let's just say that not only did I have clean the bathrooms that night, I also had to do it in a despondent mood over our tragic loss of Lord Stanley's Cup. Uh huh.
I got a short letter in the mail yesterday, which included my friend Kim's grad photo. She has finished her pharmacy degree - yay! Congratulations, my shares-my-love-of-Richard-Gere friend. Your photo is gorgeous, and had you put a return address on the envelope, I would have written back! (I know, I know - I have your address somewhere. I'll find it.)
It's looking sunny this morning (hope it lasts!), so I think the pooch and I will take a walk down the Seawalk, and listen to some music. Well, I'll listen to the music. Jasper doesn't seem so into the Barenaked Ladies or Clap Your Hands, Say Yeah! She's a bit too princessy. I see her more as a Shakira fan... maybe I need to buy the dog her own CD, or maybe I'm just nuts.
Actually, I think I'm mostly just babbling. WHAT? ME? Elizabeth? Babble?! Never!! Yeah, right. Otay, my friends, I'm out!
The weather here has been a bit grey this week, so work's been a bit slow. We listened to the hockey game Monday night, and since all the locals were cheering for Carolina (since Brin-d'amour... whoo, don't think I spelled THAT right... is from CR), and I was cheering for the Oil, there were several heated exchanges over who deserved the Cup. Let's just say that not only did I have clean the bathrooms that night, I also had to do it in a despondent mood over our tragic loss of Lord Stanley's Cup. Uh huh.
I got a short letter in the mail yesterday, which included my friend Kim's grad photo. She has finished her pharmacy degree - yay! Congratulations, my shares-my-love-of-Richard-Gere friend. Your photo is gorgeous, and had you put a return address on the envelope, I would have written back! (I know, I know - I have your address somewhere. I'll find it.)
It's looking sunny this morning (hope it lasts!), so I think the pooch and I will take a walk down the Seawalk, and listen to some music. Well, I'll listen to the music. Jasper doesn't seem so into the Barenaked Ladies or Clap Your Hands, Say Yeah! She's a bit too princessy. I see her more as a Shakira fan... maybe I need to buy the dog her own CD, or maybe I'm just nuts.
Actually, I think I'm mostly just babbling. WHAT? ME? Elizabeth? Babble?! Never!! Yeah, right. Otay, my friends, I'm out!
At 6:06 a.m.,
Bari said…
I saw an article on TV before I left Canada about a CD especially made for dogs. Apparently, someone actually did research on what kind of music dogs like, coupled with what words dogs like to hear, and came up with a CD. As far as I remember, most of the songs were fairly up-py, sort of like children's music, and had hilarious lyrics. Here's the only one I definitely remember:
"You're a good dog, you're a good dog. You're a..." I think you get the point!
At 9:18 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
Glad you got the photo. I didn't put a return address on so people wouldn't know who it was from until they actaully opened it. I figured they could just look up my addres on Until, that is, I did that myself, and realized our address is not on the net!
Box 6782
T9A 2G4 You know the rest.
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