I am a Promise/I am a Possibility...
... /I am a Promise,/ with a capital P./ I am a great big bundle of/Potentiality....
Ok, Ok - cheesy Sunday school song aside (I happen to love that song; it's just so perky! Note the alliteration.) I just have to take a moment and tell you guys what's been going through my mind these past couple days. And this'll probably sound totally narcissistic, but it's MY blog, so I guess I can do what I like! So I'll give it to you straight:
Ok, Ok - cheesy Sunday school song aside (I happen to love that song; it's just so perky! Note the alliteration.) I just have to take a moment and tell you guys what's been going through my mind these past couple days. And this'll probably sound totally narcissistic, but it's MY blog, so I guess I can do what I like! So I'll give it to you straight:
It's great to be me!
I don't mean this in an "I'm so great, and everyone should be like me" way, not at all. I mean it in an "I'm so happy to be who I am, where I am" kind of way.
Physically, I'm in the best shape I've been in in years. I lost all that weight in Prague, and I've kept it off for just about 2 months here now. I will NOT be gaining it back! I've started walking more, picked up rollerblading again, started going to the gym occasionally, and am learning to play tennis (I had my second lesson today). I feel great! Energetic, happy - and waaaaaaaay less stressed. When some crappy things happened last week, N. and I went to step class, and I felt so much better afterwards.
Emotionally, I'm more satisfied with who I am as a person than I've ever been before. I love me! I'm smart and funny, I hang out with other smart, funny people, and we laugh and goof off and have a great time. I'm hardworking, and I like my job (the fact that a trained monkey could do it be damned), and the time goes by quickly while I'm there. I'm kind and generous, and enjoy doing stuff to help out others around me, which means that they tend to do the same for me, so I feel like I'm really cared for and loved. Michael and Amy are great people, and I'm loving living with them. I know I'm where I'm meant to be, and I can't get over what a great summer I'm having.
Life-wise, some of my biggest dreams are coming true this year. I've wanted to be an SLP since I was 15 (8 years ago, good grief!), and I've been working towards that goal for 5 years, volunteering, taking certain classes, and working in the area of assessment and intervention. Come Sept. 5, I'm starting my MSc-SLP - and I couldn't be more excited. Plus, I love buying school supplies. Paperclips and binders, here I come! I'm going to find some volunteer work to do as well, hopefully with seniors, since I love them, and I'm looking forward to that, too. I have friends in Edmonton that I can't wait to see, and I know there are new friends in my classes that are just waiting to meet me, and I them, and we'll have a great time.
Also life-wise, I've realized that I love living abroad, and so I'm setting a major goal here: I want to be in New Zealand (or Australia) in May 2008, doing my final practicum. Once I get a sense of what smaller steps need to be taken for that, I'll be putting up a sidebar, so that you guys can help motivate me to reach that goal.
It's so amazing to be a woman in 2006, and to be able to be stepping out into life like this. Just think - 50 years ago, I'd probably have been married with 2 kids by now. Which isn't a bad thing, but it isn't for me. I feel so blessed to live in an age where I can pursue these crazy dreams, and know that everyone that matters to me is behind me, supporting me - not calling me an old maid, and telling me to find a man.
I feel so good these days! So contented, yet excited. So happy with where I am, yet so thrilled about the next step. How fortunate am I? Now I just have to remember to savor every moment.
Love you all,
Physically, I'm in the best shape I've been in in years. I lost all that weight in Prague, and I've kept it off for just about 2 months here now. I will NOT be gaining it back! I've started walking more, picked up rollerblading again, started going to the gym occasionally, and am learning to play tennis (I had my second lesson today). I feel great! Energetic, happy - and waaaaaaaay less stressed. When some crappy things happened last week, N. and I went to step class, and I felt so much better afterwards.
Emotionally, I'm more satisfied with who I am as a person than I've ever been before. I love me! I'm smart and funny, I hang out with other smart, funny people, and we laugh and goof off and have a great time. I'm hardworking, and I like my job (the fact that a trained monkey could do it be damned), and the time goes by quickly while I'm there. I'm kind and generous, and enjoy doing stuff to help out others around me, which means that they tend to do the same for me, so I feel like I'm really cared for and loved. Michael and Amy are great people, and I'm loving living with them. I know I'm where I'm meant to be, and I can't get over what a great summer I'm having.
Life-wise, some of my biggest dreams are coming true this year. I've wanted to be an SLP since I was 15 (8 years ago, good grief!), and I've been working towards that goal for 5 years, volunteering, taking certain classes, and working in the area of assessment and intervention. Come Sept. 5, I'm starting my MSc-SLP - and I couldn't be more excited. Plus, I love buying school supplies. Paperclips and binders, here I come! I'm going to find some volunteer work to do as well, hopefully with seniors, since I love them, and I'm looking forward to that, too. I have friends in Edmonton that I can't wait to see, and I know there are new friends in my classes that are just waiting to meet me, and I them, and we'll have a great time.
Also life-wise, I've realized that I love living abroad, and so I'm setting a major goal here: I want to be in New Zealand (or Australia) in May 2008, doing my final practicum. Once I get a sense of what smaller steps need to be taken for that, I'll be putting up a sidebar, so that you guys can help motivate me to reach that goal.
It's so amazing to be a woman in 2006, and to be able to be stepping out into life like this. Just think - 50 years ago, I'd probably have been married with 2 kids by now. Which isn't a bad thing, but it isn't for me. I feel so blessed to live in an age where I can pursue these crazy dreams, and know that everyone that matters to me is behind me, supporting me - not calling me an old maid, and telling me to find a man.
I feel so good these days! So contented, yet excited. So happy with where I am, yet so thrilled about the next step. How fortunate am I? Now I just have to remember to savor every moment.
Love you all,
At 12:22 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Sounds like your having a fandangus time! I was just out in Victoria 2 weeks ago and I'll admit I'm a little jealous. The coast is such a beautiful place. But I do get to go speak at a camp in Rockies in a week and we're going rock climbing, biking, hiking, and white water canoeing. I'm pretty excited about it. Anyway, hope you summer continues on such a postive vein. Don't forget to tend your inner world as well. See ya.
At 9:14 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
Sounds like you doing great. I keep saying once I get my own place I'll get into some regular physical exercise. Of course that hasn't happened yet, and my super long bike ride with Elly yesterday demonstrates just how out of shape I am (my ass is killing me right now!). So I really admire your continuous dedication. Good luck with New Zealand; it sounds like an amazing opportunity...plus just so much fun!
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