That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

When in Rome...

...start a revolution and rebel against the evil gym classes!! Ok, Ok, so maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. But the gym class Je. dragged me to today was painful. That might just be because my ab muscles are, ummm… well, non-existent, or it might be because it was run by a nazi boot camp lady with a grudge against my chubby comfortableness! Either way, it finished ½ an hour ago, and I hurt already. Tomorrow’s going to be rough!! I think it’s back to the rollerblades for a couple days; they don’t make it hurt to laugh!

Ja. and I did indeed go for lunch yesterday, and here we are. We ate at Comfort Zone, and it was yummy!! They have this amazing chocolate eruption cake (hmmm… maybe if I quit eating cake, I wouldn’t go to these gym classes. But I love cake! *ponders* The gym it is!) that was absolutely fabulous and decadent, so we quite enjoyed sharing it. Then we went to check another little store in the Willows Market, and I bought a new ball cap.

Like it? It has a horse on it, and it says Well Bred. Mum’s going to LOVE it, I know. It’s so classy! But I love the colour, and I love the horse, and it seemed rather me, so I went with it. I’ll be wearing it out and about when I’m walking or rollerblading, to avoid a 2nd case of sunburn. Yay for hats! And yay for narcissistic Elizabeths posting gobs of pictures of their cute selves wearing hats… *coughcough*

So my plan for the rest of this morning is as follows: shower, because Jasper licking the salt off of me is making typing difficult; watch TV (I like my lazy mornings, plus I know that most of you watch TV in the evening when you get home from work. I can't do that [nothing good's on at 11.30] so I watch before I go to work; eat lunch (mmm lunch); nap. I'm pooped! Then it's off to work (it's grey and cloudy, so it might be dead), and... um... that's it for today!

Ok. I've rambled on long enough, and if you're still reading, it's only because you're at work and bored to tears (*coughcoughkeelyandlianacoughcough*). Later days!

Your most favoritest ice cream scooper and grammar nazi,



  • At 9:25 a.m., Blogger Karlie said…

    Sounds like life is lovely right now! I'm glad to hear it. Life is good here too, barring the pinched nerve in my lower back (I have NO idea how I got it, but they have me on medications that make me loopy - although the distinct advantage of making the puzzles in the Myst games make more sense). It's beautiful here, and I'm hoping to be better enough to maybe go out camping tomorrow.

    Oh, and Sean thinks you're very hot :)


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