That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

When in Rome...

Bonjour mes amis! (Bonjour Elizabeth!). Comment ca-va aujourd'hui?

I'm doing well, but I'm tired (as per the usual!) This morning I got up, and N. and I went to the gym. Those of you who know me well know I'm not the gym bunny type, but when in Rome.... Or in my case, when all the girls you work with are super athletes, you better be prepared to step it up a little! So N. and I rollerbladed the Seawall Monday night, and I did that again yesterday morning, and then this morning we went to the gym. Sunday we're minigolfing, and one of these days one of the J's wants to rollerblade with me. Oh, and N. and I are talking about hiking at/in/on (I'm not sure which!) the Ripplerock. So all of a sudden I'm little Ms. Active, and it's weird. But also cool, as I'm not as bored or depressed as I thought I'd be this summer!! :)

Today I'm meeting J. for lunch at the Comfort Zone - a restaurant that our boss owns. Actually... while N. and I were at the gym, we saw the other J... so I'll be seeing almost everyone I work with today, even though it's their day off! Wild, eh? I know, I know - the excitement is electrifying.

So things are good, if not overly thrilling. I'll try to do something exciting this week to tell you all about.


PS - all my picture have had my hair up, so here's one with it down. Just so you can see it. And because I'm totally narcissistic, and enjoy plastering my image all over my blog. You know.


  • At 11:19 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Cute picture as usual. I think it's awsome that you're doing so may know less people out there, but you're doing a hell of a lot more than me out here!


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