That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Just an hour more...

Oy! Just a bit longer, and I'll be having a phone interview. Dagnabit, I'm nervous, as per usual. I'm not as bad as I was in highschool, but I still find interviews incredibly stressful. I have visions of me blurting out something ridiculous, like "I don't have the experience you require, but that's not going to be too big a problem, is it?" The good thing with this interview is that I do, in fact, have the necessary experience, so I shouldn't have to battle too hard to beat down that particular urge.

It's been a good week so far. I'm doing a pretty good job of not thinking about the stressful stuff too much (UofA, would you PLEASE let me know if you want me or not? Thanks.) And I'm keeping busy - the cancellations have finally started to slow down! Hurrah! Um. Had dinner with Ruth and M.J. on Wednesday, and their friend Emily, and that was fun. Yesterday was the pub, and that was also fun. Sitting around, shooting the breeze with everyone is a great way to spend an evening. Ooh, and Chris has the Fawlty Towers DVD, so I watched the one with the deaf old witch in it yesterday, and laughed til I cried.

"I reserved a room with a view!"
"What were you expecting, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, perhaps?"

Well, that's all that's new. I'll let you know how the interview goes. As if I could stop myself. ;)



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