That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Don't Worry

Be Happy!

I've had several very nice responses to my blog yesterday, but there seems to be a general undercurrent of concern re: me wanting to go to Halifax. I have decided to address that (valid!) concern here.

I know, I know. I've found it pretty darn hard to be so far away from home this year. But I'm currently on my 2nd longest homesick-less run since I've been here. Give it another week or so, and it'll be the longest. Why? Because I've finally settled in. And if I can do that here, in a country where I don't speak the language, where I have NO family nearby, and phone calls cost a bomb, then I'm confident that I can do the same in Halifax.

Another thing is that I've grown and stretched and challenged myself right out of my comfort zone continually since I arrived. And as weird as it may sound, I'm not ready to give that up. I am not the same person I was six months ago, and I like the new and improved me a lot better. I'm braver, more patient, more confident, happier, and more willing to step up and ask for what I want in a non-confrontational manner. Edmonton is a comfortable place for me - everything will fall into place with no challenges to speak of. Halifax is new - and it will continue to push me out of myself and into a better, stronger woman. And that's what I want.

Halifax also has an excellent SLP progam. It's 3 years long (as opposed to UofA's 2), and you get extra practicum time in that period. You also have a wider variety of colleagues, as they don't expect you to have one specific degree coming into the program. It's a very community-based program that encourages its students to network and develop relationships, something that also appeals to me. Is UofA's program awesome? You bet. It's a GREAT program, and I'm certain I'd be happy there, too. But Halifax is drawing me for a lot of reasons, and the fact that it has a high-quality program only encourages me to want to attend there.

Now, before I get too defensive or excited, and before you start buying me shirts that say "My Other Home's a Car Dealership (The Heart of the Wetaskiwin Automile!)" to wear on the east coast, keep in mind that I haven't been accepted ANYWHERE yet. I don't have a place in either program, and I have no idea if there's any scholarship money forthcoming - something that I NEED in order to be able to head out East. So all I'm saying here is that my current preference is Dal, but I'm well aware that there are a whole lot of things that have to fall into place for that to work.

Time for lunch! (mmm, lunch). Hope you're all having a good week so far.



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