That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tuesday already?

Hi guys,

man, the days are flying by! I can't believe that it's Tuesday.

I had a good weekend. Friday was coffee and walking around the city (the weather's slowly improving, yea!) and then Bible Study. Saturday was napping and reading and housework. I also attempted to teach Chris how to play cribbage. He's obviously an arts major. He kept insisting that I was making up the rules as we went along. "What do you mean, you get a point for having a jack in the same suit as the turned-up card? That's nonsense!" I think I may have to attempt something simpler... say, crazy eights?? ;)

Tiffany and I met up and saw Lord of War that night, and it was really good. The narration is very breezy, which is bizarre given the heavy subject matter, but I do love Nicolas Cage, and this was a pretty good movie. Biggest weakness? Twenty years pass between the start and end of the film, and neither Cage nor Jared Leto age. At all. Huh. Guess all that arms dealing keeps ya' young.

Sunday was church. At the end of the service, during a very serious song that the choir (of which I am a part) was singing, someone dropped a small song book from the second floor, and it hit a man in the head on the main floor. The choir was trying desperately to maintain straight faces, but it was difficult. This was made worse by the fact that we were pretty much the only ones who saw the whole thing, so the congregation was a bit confused as to why the choristers were fighting the giggles when singing "he heard my cry/and pitied every groan." Ah, life. Tiffany and I grabbed some lunch afterwards at Paneria. After I finished that survey (a couple posts back) I realized that Prague is littered with Panerias, only Tiffany tells me that they are different here than in the States. Whoops! I studied some Czech, and saw Harry Potter for the 2nd time, since Chris hadn't seen it yet. It was better the second time.

Yesterday I taught my ONE class (3 cancelled. Three!), and then met Lucy for dinner. Afterwards, we met up with Tiffany and our friend Josh from the TEFL course. He's been in Kuwait for a couple months now, but is back on a break. It was great to see him again! We went and saw (dear lord I've seen a lot of movies recently) Hooligans with Elijah Wood. Excellent. Movie. I highly reccommend it. Lots of violence and swearing, so beware, but the plot line was excellent. I loved it!

Today is pretty ordinary. Doing some teaching (3 out of 4 classes - pretty good!), and a friend who is new to teaching is going to observe one of the classes. I'm pretty tired, so I may actually just go home afterwards and go to bed. Unheard of! Another friend has come down with the dreaded gastro-enteritis, so I'm dispensing good advice, and staying far away. I do NOT want THAT again! *shudders*

Hope y'all have a happy Tuesday.



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