That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The weather outside is frightful

And there are no delightful fires burning in Corbett Hall - so STOP SNOWING! Blech!

And why am I at school on this, the 3rd day of a 4 day weekend? To put it bluntly, because I have to be. We have a practical exam on Friday that involves being familiar with 7 standardized tests, and I'd only looked at 2 prior to today. So I came in at around 2, expecting it to take quite a while to get through the last 5. Alas, alack, it took me only about an hour and a half, so now I'm killing time (slowly and tortuously) until I can go have a bite to eat and head to my tennis lesson! I'm really not too concerned about these tests - I've spent enough time with kids to know how to be friendly but firm, and I read really fast, so I can burn through the instructions if I get hung up on anything. ;)

Mum and I went shopping yesterday, and it was FABULOUS. The Bay at Kingsway has this wicked sale on right now, and I got some super cute clothes. If you hear me complaining about having nothing to wear in the next few weeks, smack me. My favorite new item is a snug-fitting bomber style jean jacket; it's so cute. And I got a couple of turtleneck sweaters to wear under it; very adorable. We also went to SuperStore, which has some awesome tshirts for $12 a piece, in really pretty colours. And I didn't shop just for myself - I also did most of my Christmas shopping, which is nice. I don't usually get this much done this early!!

Last night we went and saw Adrian Plass in person. He is even funnier in real life than in his books, and I laughed til I cried at some points.

"Are there any Anglicans here tonight? Put up your hands so I can see you."

A few hands went up around the sanctuary.

"How does it feel to raise your arms in a church?" *ba dum dum* "Only joking folks, only joking."

It was wonderful!!

Ooh, on Saturday Chris and I took my nephew to the Royal Alberta Museum. The Lego exhibit was on, but it was fairly mediocre. The Bob the Builder bit was really sad. Nothing particularly educational about that; more just playground equipment. But parts of the Lego were really neat - they'd built a little underwater explorer, and had a Lego toilet, milk carton, hamburger, computer, etc. all built inside of it. We also went through Wild Alberta, which is definitely the museum's strong point: no matter how many times we go and see it, it always ends up being the bit we spend the most time in. If you haven't been recently, hop to it!!

Ok, I'm out of fun things to tell you, other than that this snow is ridiculous, and it's a good thing I brought a change of socks and shoes for tennis, because I think my feet are going to be all wet. Have a great night all, and keep warm. :)


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