That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Riding Off on my Favourite Steed, Tangent

Today's title courtesy of Mr. H, our audiology instructor. As I too love tangents, it seemed appropriate.

To begin with, some very good news. My SSHRC application was chosen by the department to be forwarded to be adjudicated at the university level (it was one of six forwarded out of twelve that were submitted). If it is chosen by the university to be forwarded to SSHRC, it will then be adjudicated at the SSHRC level, where a decision about the award will be made. My application is on its way, but has in no way made it there yet. My hopes are therefore a little bit up, but not too much. :)

Today in Speech Science we were looking at spectrograms of glides (/l/ and /w/), and Dr. B looked at the slightly blurry images and stated that "these are not pretty enough for me to work with." That is going to be my new answer for anything I don't really want to do.

"Ela, could you please help me with this lab?

"So sorry - that's not pretty enough for me to work with."

"Elizabeth, would you please steam clean your carpets? Your mother and I think that they need to be done."

"Sorry, dad - they're just not pretty enough for me to work with."


Now I'm off to have my photo taken for Dr. B's website - as her thesis student I'm now affiliated with her lab, and I get to be up there with a blurb. Me! With a blurb! I never dreamt that I'd come this far. :)



  • At 10:16 p.m., Blogger Bari said…

    Correcct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that thing underneath your picture on the top right corner of the blog a blurb?

    Looks like you're already there, baby!

  • At 11:28 a.m., Blogger Karlie said…

    Wow, good job :) I'm so glad that things are going well for you. I dreamed this morning that I got the job at Talisman so I'd be in Calgary this summer...unfortunately that turned out to not be real :( I have yet to hear from them though, and they promised I'd hear either way!


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