That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wherein Elizabeth Loses Her Motivation

That is, she would have, if she had any in the first place. Seriously people, you go to the booster juice, and you can have an energy booster, a serenity booster, a shiny-white teeth booster - but where's the motivation booster?! Just think - I could be one raspberry-mango booster juice away from actually sitting down and studying. Instead, I'm drinking ginger-with-mint tea and blogging. Priorities!

Midterms start Monday, and I should really have my nose buried in the books. Instead... well, I came home from school, made Greek salad, finished Mansfield Park (for almost 2 hrs!), cooked dinner, went for an hour long walk (it's beautiful outside; 5*C is my favorite!), and am blogging. I did read a bit of anatomy in there, and I organized some thesis thoughts, but beyond that.... Oh dear. I usually manage to get through these slacker periods! At least I'm not stressed. :)

Tomorrow we get to phonate bovine laryngeal systems. That means we hook cow windpipes to vaccuums in reverse and make them 'moo.' I'm most excited. I think it'll be a riot! The bovine bits come from the slaughterhouse in Tofield, so maybe they'll moo me some news of the family there. ;)

My first hockey game is Sunday. I've had several people ask if they can come watch. Please don't get me wrong - I truly appreciate the support!! But I really don't want to make a total fool of myself in front of more people than absolutely necessary. Therefore, I'm requesting that y'all hold off til my 2nd or 3rd game, when I feeling a little more comfortable with my incompetence. ;)

This weekend's looking to be yet another crazy one. Tomorrow is anatomy lab, followed by skating with Megan, and then (maybe) coffee with a friend. Saturday morning is serious study time, then I'm meeting Elmo (*hee*) in the afternoon. Sunday is church, then maybe skating with Meg (have to check with her on that one), then cramming, then hockey game. Oi! Life is nutty. But I loves it.

Ok. I have seriously procrastinated in every way possible (yesterday I did laundry, ran errands, and looked for winter boots online). I've exhausted the procrastination avenues. Now I'll stick my nose in my anatomy notes, and let my mind drift elsewhere. No! No, I shall focus, and LEARN. Off I go. :D



  • At 3:01 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ela, I am so glad to hear that you are enjoying, well, life so much right now. Your classes sound like alot of fun! As for the lost motivation, it will turn up eventually.


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