That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Feeling Fruzzled is so not Monton

Ok. I've been putting off writing this post for a while now, mostly because life has been SO busy that I haven't had a lot of time to write. The time that I have had has been spent staring at the screen, attempting to figure out where on EARTH to start.

I last posted on Tuesday, so I guess that I should go from there. Here's hoping I actually remember what happened after that!! Tuesday was the last day of our long weekend, so heading back into school on Wednesday felt like a particularly nasty kick in the teeth. It was like 4 Mondays rolled into one. Luckily, one of our classes was cancelled, so we got to go into Steeps instead, and sit around drinking tea and attempting to study. :) After that we had a super wicked guest lecturer in our Phonology class, and we learned the zen way to do non-linear phonological therapy. Very cool, though I imagine Greek-like to the non-speechies among you. :)

Thursday we only had Audiology, so we headed in for that class. It was another guest lecturer, and it was also fabulous. This one was all about FM systems, both personal and sound field. The research supporting their use in the classroom is unbelievable. Without the sound being distributed via one of these systems, kids in the back corner of the classroom receive only 55% of the speech information the teacher is presenting. Now, if this is a kid who does all the readings, pays close attention, and participates in discussions, it's likely not a big deal. They're going to possess enough context to function successfully. However, let's all think back to our school days, especially the days where we go to pick our own desks. Who was sitting in the back corner? The smart kids? Or the kids who don't pay attention at all? They're incredibly disadvantaged by location alone, and a sound field system could potentially make a huge difference. FM systems also encourage teacher awareness of speech patterns. One study indicates that teachers slow their rate of speech by 10-15% simply because they're wearing a mic. By slowing down, the kids are able to absorb more of the info. Also, because they don't need to yell, teachers can be more expressive, thereby creating more student interest in what's being said. Seriously - what's not to love? I'd really like to get into some schools and do some in-services on this topic, because a few small changes can bring about some major results for kids.

Friday I wrote my A&P exam on laryngeal and cranial anatomy. I was terrified, because I hadn't really studied a lot in advance, and mostly just crammed the night before. However, I must have crammed in the most premium way possible, because I found the exam to be well within my abilities, and only had to lay my head down on the desk and mutter "oh no" once. After that I had my practical exam with Dr. V. For this exam, she pretended to be a 4 y/o and I administered a standardized test to her. When's the last time that you had to tell your very professional instructor that if she can't put her listening ears on and pay attention, then she can't hold Benny the Bunny?? Yes, that's right - I took in a prop, a small blue rabbit. I had it in my pocket, not really even intending to use it, since I figured I'd only need it if she were naughty. Well - she made the administration portions of the test very easy, so made up the challenge with behavioural issues. Benny the Bunny totally saved the day. I love Benny the Bunny - he's my Speechie Mascot now. :)

After my exams I went home to sleep for as long as I could, which wasn't very long owing to having had too much tea earlier on. Darn!! People started showing up at around eight, and we had a little pre-party at my place before going out to the Stonehouse for some dancing and hanging out. Some friends that I haven't seen in years were there, so it was very cool. I was the first to leave, heading out at around 1, and none of the guys offerred to walk me home. I noticed, but wasn't overly upset, since I don't live too far from the bar. About a block and a half into my walk, footsteps came running up behind me, and I got a little tense. It was one of our guys, apologizing because he'd forgottten that I don't drive, and had therefore not come with me right off the bat. "I'd never let you walk home alone this late!" he said. After hearing about the stabbing on Whyte the same night... well, I think I'm done being Ok with walking home alone. From now on, I want someone with me!

Saturday I went out with Robin and his friend, and we had a really great time just hanging out. I bought a new earring for my cartilage piercing, and it's sooo pretty. It looks like the one on the top left, but the silver balls have fuschia stones set into them. I love it!! That night, my cousin Chris and I went out for a beer at the Druid, and just hung out which was very cool. You know, when we were little he drove me crazy with his demands to always have the Fisher Price farm (it was SO much better than the city!!), but he's ended up being a pretty awesome guy. ;)

Sunday morning was church, which was very hard to stay awake in given my lack of sleep every other night. Then I went to Meg's for lunch, since we both had a lot to tell each other about our weekends. She ran me home, and I was doing a bit of homework when a friend called and invited me over for dinner. I've never seen the series Firefly (a Joss Whedon TV show that's got a HUGE following in smart people populations!), so he wanted me to see some of it. We watched the first three episodes, and I didn't get home til after 11. Seeing shoes at the front door, I assumed I was the last one home, and locked and u-barred the door behind me before heading to bed. At around 2, the phone rang. I was so tempted to ignore it, but knew I'd just stay awake worrying it was an emergency, so I answered.

"Hello?" I croaked groggily.

"I can't get in the door!" the voice replied.

"Who is this?" I asked, since I've had people I don't know ask me to let them in the building before, and I'm so not Ok with that.

"It's your roommate!"

"Oh..." I sleepily answered, pressing the "open door" button and crawling back into bed. Suddenly it hit me... if she wasn't in the apartment, she sure couldn't open the u-bar - I'd locked her out! I staggered back out of bed, flipped the u-bar back, and headed straight back for the snuggly comfort of my quilts. So much for assuming she was home.... Assume - it makes an ASS of U and ME.

Today I came into school for our first lecture on swallowing, and it was very cool. The instructor started by explaining why this is important, the impact it has on quality of life, etc. A very awesome way to start a topic out. Big picture first, then fill it in. We had a long break after that, so we headed into Steeps again (man, I love Steeps), where I got my head around some potential ideas for my potential ESL students, and started reading Megs' copy of East of Eden. I hope she finishes it soon... I want to read it. I'm only about 15 pages in, and there have already been many quotable quotes. My favorite so far is "Liza had a finely tuned sense of sin." ;)

And that's it! You're up to date. I'm heading off now to work on an Audi project, eat some dinner, and go for my tennis lesson. Love it. :)



PS - I want to get this slogan put on a t-shirt, or maybe a sign for my door, or maybe both, plus a bumper sticker. I feel this way more and more often...

Please don't supply any more information. I'm already too well informed.
I have a great picture of it, but it's protected, so I can't show it to you, sorry! If you're desperate to see it, let me know, and I'll email it to you. :)

PPS - New words for my dictionary:

Fruzzled (Adj.): a combination of frustrated and puzzled
That material is so confusing! I was totally fruzzled trying to get through it.

Monton (Adj): dervied from the fandangus Steeps' dessert, Monton refers to something beyond fabulous, something nigh unto fandangus.
Check that hottie out! He's so monton.

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  • At 12:40 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I always sat at the back.

    Also, citizens demand that all definitions be accompanied by their etymologies.


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