Hi all,
I'm currently feeling like a recovering alcoholic (not that I'd actually know what that feels like - I'm guessing here!) It was SMOKING hot today, and it's only meant to get hotter, and I'm not really a heat person. Give me -50 with a windchill any day - throw on some extra layers, and it's all good. When it's hot, there's only so nekkid you can get, and that's generally considered 'inappropriate' for work. Not to mention 'unhygienic!'
I rolled out of bed this morning, showered, ate my cheerios, and headed for work. Out of habit, I threw on my long sleeved shirt under my staff t-shirt - big mistake! Since the other woman at work is super arts&crafts lady, I have become the rec/games girl. This means that I have to get very active, very full-of-attitude 9-11 year old boys to keep busy for about a half an hour. Since they have the attention span of goldfish, it's challenging. Today, I hauled them out to the field to play 'jug and jog,' a game that requires stealing the other teams' jugs/bowling pins/beanbags. Since I believe a good leader always participates, I played too. This meant playing for my team, refereeing, and dealing with the inevitable idiotic behavior (e.g. The kid yells "I'm not playing" just before an opposing team member tags him. He then yells "now I am" as soon as the other kid moves away. How dumb is that?) By the time we were done, I was broiling, and even my KNEES were sweating. Eeeeeeeew.
I headed home to cool down and eat some lunch, and then it was off to the Pier. I walked in the door - and was hit by a solid wall of heat. With a hot dog machine/hot chocolate machine/deep fryers/freezers working over time - it was hotter inside than out. I made waffle cones, served customers, made wraps, fried fish... and started feeling weird. Crampy muscles, short tempered, very thirsty. I headed on my break, ate some not good for me dinner, came back in, got back to work, and promptly threw up. Twice. Luckily, I made it to the bathroom. I felt so gross!
Michael came and picked me up, and we decided I had heat stroke. He brought me home, made me gatorade (rehydration), advil (muscle relaxation) and pretzels (stomach settling). I'm currently feeling much better, and plan to have a better day tomorrow, when it's supposed to hit a record breaking 38* outside. Since it was 35 inside today, I imagine tomorrow'll be close to 40. Wish me luck!
I'm really liking the day camp gig, and the kids are starting to warm up to me - even the little boys, who are generally too 'cool' for such things. I have no idea what I'm going to do with them tomorrow - I'd better think of something. Then it's the late shift at the Pier, Saturday morning Step class with Amy, the late shift at the Pier, and then *angels sing* my day off.* I can't wait for Sunday!
I'm currently feeling like a recovering alcoholic (not that I'd actually know what that feels like - I'm guessing here!) It was SMOKING hot today, and it's only meant to get hotter, and I'm not really a heat person. Give me -50 with a windchill any day - throw on some extra layers, and it's all good. When it's hot, there's only so nekkid you can get, and that's generally considered 'inappropriate' for work. Not to mention 'unhygienic!'
I rolled out of bed this morning, showered, ate my cheerios, and headed for work. Out of habit, I threw on my long sleeved shirt under my staff t-shirt - big mistake! Since the other woman at work is super arts&crafts lady, I have become the rec/games girl. This means that I have to get very active, very full-of-attitude 9-11 year old boys to keep busy for about a half an hour. Since they have the attention span of goldfish, it's challenging. Today, I hauled them out to the field to play 'jug and jog,' a game that requires stealing the other teams' jugs/bowling pins/beanbags. Since I believe a good leader always participates, I played too. This meant playing for my team, refereeing, and dealing with the inevitable idiotic behavior (e.g. The kid yells "I'm not playing" just before an opposing team member tags him. He then yells "now I am" as soon as the other kid moves away. How dumb is that?) By the time we were done, I was broiling, and even my KNEES were sweating. Eeeeeeeew.
I headed home to cool down and eat some lunch, and then it was off to the Pier. I walked in the door - and was hit by a solid wall of heat. With a hot dog machine/hot chocolate machine/deep fryers/freezers working over time - it was hotter inside than out. I made waffle cones, served customers, made wraps, fried fish... and started feeling weird. Crampy muscles, short tempered, very thirsty. I headed on my break, ate some not good for me dinner, came back in, got back to work, and promptly threw up. Twice. Luckily, I made it to the bathroom. I felt so gross!
Michael came and picked me up, and we decided I had heat stroke. He brought me home, made me gatorade (rehydration), advil (muscle relaxation) and pretzels (stomach settling). I'm currently feeling much better, and plan to have a better day tomorrow, when it's supposed to hit a record breaking 38* outside. Since it was 35 inside today, I imagine tomorrow'll be close to 40. Wish me luck!
I'm really liking the day camp gig, and the kids are starting to warm up to me - even the little boys, who are generally too 'cool' for such things. I have no idea what I'm going to do with them tomorrow - I'd better think of something. Then it's the late shift at the Pier, Saturday morning Step class with Amy, the late shift at the Pier, and then *angels sing* my day off.* I can't wait for Sunday!
At 3:30 p.m.,
Karlie said…
Oh ew, poor Elizabeth (sorry, I just can't call you Ela, being that that's Sean's disgusting ex). It's been that hot here too, with no air conditioning in my apartment. Luckily no heat stroke (actually, it was likely heat exhaustion, since heat stroke causes rapid unconciousness and shortly thereafter death) but it does mean I can only sleep in hour-long increments before waking up to spritz myself with water.
At 9:58 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
When it's really hot and dry, I sometimes bike with a spray bottle from the dollar store hanging off my bag, so that while I'm going I can spray water to cool off (like riding through a water sprinkler, only portable).
Maybe not so good if you're handling food for other people, but perhaps it would work at other times.
At 12:42 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
I like the water spritzing advice. People do have to be really careful in the heat. Bring some gatorade to camp with you next time, that'll help. And just to no, Advil is an anti-inflammatory and painkiller, no actusl muscle relaxant.
I actually wish I could be outside WAY more. It's always freezing in Safeway and I feel stupid walking from the parking lot with a sweater on, but I know I'll be freezing in about 10 minutes.
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