Ah, weekends.
Hi all,
did y'all have a good weekend? I did - I just can't believe it's over already! And I had a 3 day weekend!
On Thursday night, I hung out at Tiffany's til about 11:30, and then we went to Nebe, an ex-pat club that has a good DJ late Thursday nights. We met up with a bunch of other people there (Chris, Matt, Ruth, MJ, Emily...) and danced and hung out til... oh, about 2 in the morning.
Both my Friday classes cancelled (I shouldn't be happy about that, but I was!), so I slept til 10 or 11, and then stayed in bed til NOON. It was AWESOME! I read, and journalled, and was generally lazy. Loved every second of it! Then I met with Chris for a coffee, and we hung out for a while, and I cried because I've been feeling so stressed about so many things, and I got over it, and then I went to meet up with other friends. It was Rob's bday on Thursday, so we went out for drinks and such Friday night.
It was great. We met at the Budvar Bar, and chatted while we waited for everyone to meet up. Then we went to another bar (Truska, maybe? I can't remember the name of it), and hung out there for a while, and we did a shot of tequila followed by a shot of Slivovice (which is meaningless to those of you not in the Czech Republic, but incredibly and painfully meaningfull for those of you who are). It was nuts! Everyone was gabbing away, just having a great time. Then we split up, and Jon, Adrian and I went to meet one of Jon's friends, and the others went to another club. We were supposed to meet back up again, but Jon and Ade got chatting at the third club, and then I got myself sick (oops... I haven't done that in years, boy was I stupid!), so we ended up not meeting up again. Darn! Marta told me there was dancing - and I missed out! Damn, damn, damn!
I fell into bed at about 2, and got up again at 8. Say it with me people, eeeeeeeew. I met Ruth, Matt, MJ and John (not Jon, John this time!) and we went to Dresden. We spent the day wandering around, eating in this super cool medieval cellar (I had duck, delish!), drinking wheat beer (blech!), and looking at stuff. It was super mellow and laid-back, and a great day. We caught the train back to Praha (it was an hour late - where's the German efficiency??!), and then Ruth, MJ and I went to see Inside Man which is an awesome movie, and I highly reccommend it. It was very clever, and quite surprising, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I got home, talked to dad for an hour about grad school, and went to bed at 2.
Sunday I slept til 10 (sweeeeet), and then headed back to the train station, this time to meet Tiffany, Debbie, Kristin and Travis. We rode out to Karlstejn, a castle about 40 minutes from Prague, and the seat of Karel IV, King of Bohemia and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire sometime in the 14th and 15th centuries. The weather was amazing - 10 or 15 degrees, sunny, and with a gentle breeze. We hiked up the steep hill, stopping for an ice cream on the way, saw the castle (we had an awesome tour guide, and I learned a ton!), and then strolled back down. We stopped at a small restaurant for a light dinner, because Tiffany's friend Debbie hadn't tried the fried cheese yet. You have to eat fried cheese! It's like mozza sticks, only flatter and bigger and deliciouser. I mean, more delicious (and they let me teach English?). Then we got back on the train just in time for the clouds to blow in, and for it to start raining. We also went to a film - we saw Casanova, and it was way funnier than the previews predicted. It was quite good, but more of a renter. Heath Ledger sure is cute!
There's quite a lot of flooding happening in this part of the world, as it's warmed up too quickly, and the snow melt out of the mountains is pushing the river over its banks. We saw a couple streets in Dresden that are completely under water, with just their traffic lights sticking up a few feet above the river. It's insane! I imagine that there's going to be a fair amount of damage done to the houses that are on the banks. I'm glad I live on a hill, a distance from the Vltava!! A couple metro stops have been closed due to the flooding, but I think those might be open again. I need to check and find out.
I mailed home 2 boxes of stuff today, so that I don't have to try and cram it all in my suitcases. Together, they weighed 10.5 kg (22 or 23 lbs), and I carried them all the way to the post office by myself (10 min walk!). Of course, now my arms are all shaky, but I'm still self-impressed. ;) It cost 1300 kC to mail them home ($65CDN), but that's not too bad. Hopefully all the rest of my stuff fits in my bags! I still have to mail home my quilt, but I don't think it weighs very much - so hopefully it won't be too expensive. I imagine I'll beat my stuff home - I sent it slow boat, as cheaply as possible. Hope it gets to Canada before the winter does - my winter coat and down vest are in those boxes!
And now you're fully updated. Hope all of you are well - I'd love to hear from you!
did y'all have a good weekend? I did - I just can't believe it's over already! And I had a 3 day weekend!
On Thursday night, I hung out at Tiffany's til about 11:30, and then we went to Nebe, an ex-pat club that has a good DJ late Thursday nights. We met up with a bunch of other people there (Chris, Matt, Ruth, MJ, Emily...) and danced and hung out til... oh, about 2 in the morning.
Both my Friday classes cancelled (I shouldn't be happy about that, but I was!), so I slept til 10 or 11, and then stayed in bed til NOON. It was AWESOME! I read, and journalled, and was generally lazy. Loved every second of it! Then I met with Chris for a coffee, and we hung out for a while, and I cried because I've been feeling so stressed about so many things, and I got over it, and then I went to meet up with other friends. It was Rob's bday on Thursday, so we went out for drinks and such Friday night.
It was great. We met at the Budvar Bar, and chatted while we waited for everyone to meet up. Then we went to another bar (Truska, maybe? I can't remember the name of it), and hung out there for a while, and we did a shot of tequila followed by a shot of Slivovice (which is meaningless to those of you not in the Czech Republic, but incredibly and painfully meaningfull for those of you who are). It was nuts! Everyone was gabbing away, just having a great time. Then we split up, and Jon, Adrian and I went to meet one of Jon's friends, and the others went to another club. We were supposed to meet back up again, but Jon and Ade got chatting at the third club, and then I got myself sick (oops... I haven't done that in years, boy was I stupid!), so we ended up not meeting up again. Darn! Marta told me there was dancing - and I missed out! Damn, damn, damn!
I fell into bed at about 2, and got up again at 8. Say it with me people, eeeeeeeew. I met Ruth, Matt, MJ and John (not Jon, John this time!) and we went to Dresden. We spent the day wandering around, eating in this super cool medieval cellar (I had duck, delish!), drinking wheat beer (blech!), and looking at stuff. It was super mellow and laid-back, and a great day. We caught the train back to Praha (it was an hour late - where's the German efficiency??!), and then Ruth, MJ and I went to see Inside Man which is an awesome movie, and I highly reccommend it. It was very clever, and quite surprising, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I got home, talked to dad for an hour about grad school, and went to bed at 2.
Sunday I slept til 10 (sweeeeet), and then headed back to the train station, this time to meet Tiffany, Debbie, Kristin and Travis. We rode out to Karlstejn, a castle about 40 minutes from Prague, and the seat of Karel IV, King of Bohemia and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire sometime in the 14th and 15th centuries. The weather was amazing - 10 or 15 degrees, sunny, and with a gentle breeze. We hiked up the steep hill, stopping for an ice cream on the way, saw the castle (we had an awesome tour guide, and I learned a ton!), and then strolled back down. We stopped at a small restaurant for a light dinner, because Tiffany's friend Debbie hadn't tried the fried cheese yet. You have to eat fried cheese! It's like mozza sticks, only flatter and bigger and deliciouser. I mean, more delicious (and they let me teach English?). Then we got back on the train just in time for the clouds to blow in, and for it to start raining. We also went to a film - we saw Casanova, and it was way funnier than the previews predicted. It was quite good, but more of a renter. Heath Ledger sure is cute!
There's quite a lot of flooding happening in this part of the world, as it's warmed up too quickly, and the snow melt out of the mountains is pushing the river over its banks. We saw a couple streets in Dresden that are completely under water, with just their traffic lights sticking up a few feet above the river. It's insane! I imagine that there's going to be a fair amount of damage done to the houses that are on the banks. I'm glad I live on a hill, a distance from the Vltava!! A couple metro stops have been closed due to the flooding, but I think those might be open again. I need to check and find out.
I mailed home 2 boxes of stuff today, so that I don't have to try and cram it all in my suitcases. Together, they weighed 10.5 kg (22 or 23 lbs), and I carried them all the way to the post office by myself (10 min walk!). Of course, now my arms are all shaky, but I'm still self-impressed. ;) It cost 1300 kC to mail them home ($65CDN), but that's not too bad. Hopefully all the rest of my stuff fits in my bags! I still have to mail home my quilt, but I don't think it weighs very much - so hopefully it won't be too expensive. I imagine I'll beat my stuff home - I sent it slow boat, as cheaply as possible. Hope it gets to Canada before the winter does - my winter coat and down vest are in those boxes!
And now you're fully updated. Hope all of you are well - I'd love to hear from you!
At 8:42 a.m.,
Karlie said…
Hey Duckie, sounds like you're having lots of fin, and getting in the rest of your tourism while you're still there :) Are you glad to be coming home, in a way? Oh I just realized I'm supposed to find out today if I was accepted at Lakehead (direct acceptance, if not I'll be wait-listed). I'd like to know, although it's my last choice!
At 9:48 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
Actually, when we were in Honk Kong and Michelle sent some of her stuff home, slow boat, it arrived before we got home, about a week later! Maybe you'll be pleasantly surprised.
At 8:01 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Fried cheese is rather delicious....
At 11:32 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
yeah for fried cheese. if you could just combine it with bacon and peanut butter, you may have come up with the perfect food... or at least a heart attack.
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