Hi Liana! Hi Keely!
Hi everyone else! *waves* Sorry I haven't posted in over a week, but it's been a busy one. I haven't spent much time at the flat at all. In fact - I shouldn't be here now! I'm supposed to be almost in Budapest, riding an overnight train. Unfortunately, there was a mix-up with our tickets. We actually got ON the train, and the man said "tickets?" and we handed (what we thought was) ours over, and he said "nonono... this is a reservation, not a ticket!" So we're attempting to sort that out, and will hopefully be on the 7-something train this morning.
Why was this week so busy? No idea, really. I've just been spending a lot of time with my friends, and my classes have ceased to cancel 1/4 of their lessons. I go home in 6 weeks less a day, so I'm very 'people oriented' right now - and I'm also exhausted. I keep staying out way past my bedtime - but I'm enjoying hanging with my friends! On Monday Chris and I went for dinner, only we couldn't find a cheap restaurant, so we walked around for quite a while (maybe an hour?) before settling on a place to eat. Tuesday I met with Lucy and Adrian, and we all taught til late, so we didn't order our food til 20.30 or 21.00. Wednesday Chris cooked dinner for me (aw!), and yesterday, I went to the train station at 22.45 only to discover we couldn't get on the train! So that's my life.
I got an email from dad this morning saying the SLP Dep't at the UofA wants me to call them. Do you think this might be a good sign? I'm kind of afraid to hope. Perhaps they want me to phone them so that they can say "Elizabeth Huebert? Oh yes. We just wanted to let you know that you will never, in your entire life, be a good SLP, and you should quit now. In fact - we wouldn't let you near any old people, you nut-job you!" Kind of like the immortal alien in Hitchhiker's Guide, perhaps the UofA is calling each rejectee to insult them! :) Or not. Anyhoo, dad's going to call them for me (good thing I gave permission for them to speak to my parents), since it's a) hard to call from here with the time change, b) incredibly expensive and finances are tight. It sounds like the soonest they'll be in their offices is Monday, so I guess I might know something on Tuesday morning. *nothopingnothopingnothoping*
Ok, I'm off. Love you!
Why was this week so busy? No idea, really. I've just been spending a lot of time with my friends, and my classes have ceased to cancel 1/4 of their lessons. I go home in 6 weeks less a day, so I'm very 'people oriented' right now - and I'm also exhausted. I keep staying out way past my bedtime - but I'm enjoying hanging with my friends! On Monday Chris and I went for dinner, only we couldn't find a cheap restaurant, so we walked around for quite a while (maybe an hour?) before settling on a place to eat. Tuesday I met with Lucy and Adrian, and we all taught til late, so we didn't order our food til 20.30 or 21.00. Wednesday Chris cooked dinner for me (aw!), and yesterday, I went to the train station at 22.45 only to discover we couldn't get on the train! So that's my life.
I got an email from dad this morning saying the SLP Dep't at the UofA wants me to call them. Do you think this might be a good sign? I'm kind of afraid to hope. Perhaps they want me to phone them so that they can say "Elizabeth Huebert? Oh yes. We just wanted to let you know that you will never, in your entire life, be a good SLP, and you should quit now. In fact - we wouldn't let you near any old people, you nut-job you!" Kind of like the immortal alien in Hitchhiker's Guide, perhaps the UofA is calling each rejectee to insult them! :) Or not. Anyhoo, dad's going to call them for me (good thing I gave permission for them to speak to my parents), since it's a) hard to call from here with the time change, b) incredibly expensive and finances are tight. It sounds like the soonest they'll be in their offices is Monday, so I guess I might know something on Tuesday morning. *nothopingnothopingnothoping*
Ok, I'm off. Love you!
At 1:44 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
I appreciate the new post, and the shout out! I hope you get everything sorted out with your train ticket. I can't see the U of A calling each individual person they reject to insult them. Don't stress over it.
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