That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Falling Behind

Wow, I really do suck! I went from daily posts, to every other day, to... well, it's just about a week now. I guess I've been busier than I thought!

So, I last posted on Friday. I can't remember what I wrote, so I'll try not to repeat. Friday, I met a friend for coffee, and we went to the national museum (their taxidermy is not of a high quality!), and then out for coffee again. It was one of those days where you just wander around and look at stuff and chat. Then I went off to Bible study, which was, as per usual, good. A friend of mine was there that I haven't seen in a few weeks, so it was good to catch up with her.

Saturday, I spent the morning in bed, alternately reading and dozing. It was soo nice to have such a lazy morning. In the afternoon I ran a bunch of errands, and in the evening I went and saw "Walk the Line" with Chris. Excellent movie. Highly recommend it. Being me, I wanted to get up out of my chair and commence with the dancing. I managed to control myself (phew!).

Sunday was church, then out for lunch and a walk all over the city centre. In the evening I met up with Tiffany, and we cooked spaghetti together. I brought the dessert - dark chocolate and fruit for fondue! We ate it standing over the stove while the chocolate was still melting. So delicious my friends, so delicious.

Monday and Tuesday I taught my reduced number of lessons, went to the library, and had dinner with Courtney. They were very mellow days. Yesterday, I taught my classes, and then met with a friend from church (Victoria) to go out for coffee before she leaves for her native Ethiopia for a 3 week visit. We had such a good time chatting together. You know, one thing I'm getting much better at out here is maintaining conversation with people I don't know very well. I'm quite proud of myself, actually!! Later that evening, I met up with Chris, and we went for dinner at this neat little restaurant that has a live piano player. I'll definitely be going back there!

Tonight it's back to pub night for the first time since before Christmas. Tomorrow is class, and then I'm meeting Tiffany for dinner before Bible study. Saturday looks like another lazy day, but I think I'll meet up with Chris in the afternoon, and who knows what in the evening! Sunday is church, and hopefully I'll see Courtney and/or Lucy. Oh, and I suppose I should do some lesson planning in there somewhere!

Ok. Not a great update, but sufficient, I think. Have a happy day!



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