Happy Monday everyone! How were your weekends? Mine was awesome. After 7 hours on the train (during which I tried to listen to a lecture on CD, and watch the scenery, and promptly fell asleep), I arrived in Salzburg. The trip was uneventful, thank God, and I made all my transfers succesfully! Go me!
Elly met me at the train, and there was much hugging and rejoicing. I brought greetings from a zillion people, and a hug from Kim, and we started talking. We didn't stop the whole time I was there!
We went straight to her pastor's flat, where we had youth night, and watched all 3 of the Star Wars' movies. The first time I saw them was in high school with Elly's youth group, so it was totally appropriate. I fell asleep during the third one, but no one seemed to mind too much!
Then we went back to Elly's house, where she rents a room. It's the cutest house! It's completely Austrian, and so adorable. Her room is lovely and cozy, and has two beds, one of which I gratefully fell into, and crashed.
On Saturday, Elly and I went and walked all around Salzburg. We saw the abbey that's in the Sound of Music, and the dome cathedral, and both of Mozart's homes (the one he was born in, and the one he worked in). We found a statue of Don Giovanni that has a duplicate in Prague, so I took a photo of it, and we'll take a pic of the one here when Elly's in Prague, and it'll be cool. We had coffee in a swank hotel/cafe, bought groceries for meals, found me a pair of jeans (10 euros!), and talked non stop. We went back to her house, and cooked dinner, and talked, and watched a movie, and talked, and popped popcorn, and talked....
On Sunday, we went to Elly's church. It was wonderful. I had one of the most beautiful communion experiences of my life, and it was such a gift from God. My heart was really and truly touched. Elly's church is very friendly and kind, and we stuck around for coffee afterwards chatting with various people. Then we headed back to Elly's to cook us some lunch, and to talk. We talked until about 4:15 when it was time to head for the bus. We talked on the walk, while waiting, on the bus, and then on the train platform. Finally, we had to say goodbye. I did NOT want to!! I got on the train, and headed for "home."
As it was the evening/night on the train, I figured I'd sleep - but nope. Guess I did all my sleeping on the day train down! For the last leg of my journey I shared a compartment with an Aussie girl and a Czech guy, and we chatted most of the way. I got back to my flat at about midnight, and fell into bed, pausing only to read the letter from Grandma that must have arrived on Friday. I got up at 6 this morning, and went to my lessons.
So that was my weekend. What was yours like???
Elly met me at the train, and there was much hugging and rejoicing. I brought greetings from a zillion people, and a hug from Kim, and we started talking. We didn't stop the whole time I was there!
We went straight to her pastor's flat, where we had youth night, and watched all 3 of the Star Wars' movies. The first time I saw them was in high school with Elly's youth group, so it was totally appropriate. I fell asleep during the third one, but no one seemed to mind too much!
Then we went back to Elly's house, where she rents a room. It's the cutest house! It's completely Austrian, and so adorable. Her room is lovely and cozy, and has two beds, one of which I gratefully fell into, and crashed.
On Saturday, Elly and I went and walked all around Salzburg. We saw the abbey that's in the Sound of Music, and the dome cathedral, and both of Mozart's homes (the one he was born in, and the one he worked in). We found a statue of Don Giovanni that has a duplicate in Prague, so I took a photo of it, and we'll take a pic of the one here when Elly's in Prague, and it'll be cool. We had coffee in a swank hotel/cafe, bought groceries for meals, found me a pair of jeans (10 euros!), and talked non stop. We went back to her house, and cooked dinner, and talked, and watched a movie, and talked, and popped popcorn, and talked....
On Sunday, we went to Elly's church. It was wonderful. I had one of the most beautiful communion experiences of my life, and it was such a gift from God. My heart was really and truly touched. Elly's church is very friendly and kind, and we stuck around for coffee afterwards chatting with various people. Then we headed back to Elly's to cook us some lunch, and to talk. We talked until about 4:15 when it was time to head for the bus. We talked on the walk, while waiting, on the bus, and then on the train platform. Finally, we had to say goodbye. I did NOT want to!! I got on the train, and headed for "home."
As it was the evening/night on the train, I figured I'd sleep - but nope. Guess I did all my sleeping on the day train down! For the last leg of my journey I shared a compartment with an Aussie girl and a Czech guy, and we chatted most of the way. I got back to my flat at about midnight, and fell into bed, pausing only to read the letter from Grandma that must have arrived on Friday. I got up at 6 this morning, and went to my lessons.
So that was my weekend. What was yours like???
At 7:57 a.m.,
Karlie said…
Eeee, I'm so glad you went to all the Sound of Music places! I was going to tell you to visit them for me. That's a big thing on my "European Travel List". Sounds like you had a very awesome time. I spent my weekend doing homework, knitting, and going tubing at the ski hill, so that was fun too.
Mind you, it wasn't Austria.
At 6:30 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Glad you had a great time. Grandma and I made pyrohy on Saturday, I went to a movie with my cousins (Last Holiday is cute and really funny. It has my seal of approval). Then sunday church, bowling for my cousin's birthday and out to supper for the same birthday. For a weekend I thought would be entirely uneventful it was actually quite busy.
At 12:47 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Sounds awesome. We went to youth group on Friday too... surprise. We finished our bible in James, so that was fun. When we were done there, we left for the airport to pick up a friend who had adopted a child from Liberia and they stayed with us till they flew out on Saturday. The baby was 6 months and very cute. Then on the way back into town we met up with some friends at Ikea and went to the Symphony together. It was Gershwin and it was awesome. So yeah. My weekend.
At 12:35 a.m.,
Elizabeth said…
Karlie - we only went to the abbey, dear! I sure wasn't going to do the whole tour, given that I don't even like the movie. So you'll have to come over and do that for yourself! :)
Kim - glad you had such a good time with your grandma. Will you email me your mailing address? I want to write you a letter.
Tyler - sounds like you had a great time. How's the house?
Kathie - I miss you! Will you write me another letter, please??
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