That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Hump Day!

Hello friends and family,

it's hump day, so the week is all downhill from here. And downhill in the good sense, like it's going to go freewheeling by! I only have 3 classes today, so I want to spend some time in the library reading and journalling, and then I need to work on developing a test for a couple of my classes. They have to be tested and evaluated by the end of the month, and I was only told on Monday. Eep! But I should be able to pull things together, no problem.

It's nice to be back onto a schedule, even if so many of my classes cancelled this week. The Feb. paycheque will suffer a bit, though. :( Yesterday went really well, I had a great time with all of my classes. We did a discussion on habits (good and bad), addictions, and New Year's resolutions, and my students had some very interesting responses!

I had lunch with Courtney on Monday, and dinner with Lucy last night, and I'm hoping to see Adrian and Courtney tonight, so I'm spending a lot of time with friends, which I really enjoy. I never used to be such a people person, but I'm finding that if I stay in the flat I tend to be homesick. So I go to the library more, and out with friends more, and just try to be a social kind of girl!

I got in touch with Elly, and I'm definitely going to Salzburg this month, hopefully on the 20th. Today I'm going to go to the train station and get them to print out the timetables for the trains for me. I don't trust the online version, because it seems to provide different information everytime I try it. :) It's good for getting a general idea, but now that I'm actually making real plans - well, I want to make sure that the trains are where they're supposed to be, when they're supposed to be! I'm so excited!! I can't wait to see Elly. She's such an awesome friend, plus it will be nice to see someone from home, someone that I have history with. Sometimes my friends here and I end up not having anything to talk about, and I think it's because we don't have that history to go back to and reminisce over. I imagine that Elly and I will be able to talk non-stop for the whole weekend, and STILL feel like there were things we wanted to talk about!! :D

Ok, I need to get to work. I love you all, and hope you're having a happy new year.



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