About Me
- Name: Elizabeth
- Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Well, I finished a BA, TEFLd in Europe for 8 months, and scooped ice cream for the summer. Now I'm back in E-town, studying for my Masters in Speech Language Pathology. Busy girl!
The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.
At 5:14 p.m.,
Karlie said…
Oh my goodness, you look fabulous! Not that you didn't before, but the little extra weight you lost looks really good (on? off?) you. And I'm jealous to say that you have a nicer kitchen than me. Less cupboard space, but much more counter space.
At 11:29 p.m.,
Elizabeth said…
Aw thanks Karlie! You know, we DO have a nice kitchen, but I hardly cook anything beyond some stirfried veggies or heating up soup. We don't have enough pots/pans. This, I believe, has some sort of relation to the weight that I've lost... ;)
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