That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Friday, November 11, 2005

One Last Post

one quick post before my dabbatical (ahahaha - I'm so funny). I got my care package finally - after having to go to two post offices to find it! In it were all sorts of good things, including a mug. And not just any mug, but a really great mug, that I already love. Here is it what it looks like:

It says:

I am for you.
I love you.
I will provide for you.
I believe in you.
I will give you rest.
I will not fail you.
I will be with you.
I will answer you.
I will bless you.
I will strengthen you.

It's such a great reminder of the promises that God has made to me. He's going to help me to have the most amazing experience here in Prague! How exciting is that?



  • At 7:18 p.m., Blogger Bari said…

    I refuse to accept that this is the last post for, like, 10 days. Nope, no good. I understand where you're coming from and I am really happy that your dad is visiting you, when my parents aren't coming until February. BUT!! You post more often than anyone I know, and I refuse to accept it. We better get at least a couple updates that say how great it is that your dad is there, and how hard your course is, and how nice the Dresden Wal-Mart is, or I will seriously be angry! No Excuses!!

  • At 11:22 p.m., Blogger Elizabeth said…

    Oh Bari. Since there appears to be righteous indignation on the part of my readership (or at least one of the readership!), I shall attempt to post once or twice while he's here. But I make NO PROMISES!

  • At 1:42 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey, if I have to demonstrate righteous indignation to get you to post then I'm right along with Bari. I only get to check e-mail once a day by going to the University, and I must have your posts to look forward to at least a few times.


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