That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Christmas Shopping!

Well, it definitely feels like the Christmas season has begun. The Christmas Markets opened today, so Megan and I headed into Wenceslas Square to do our shopping. It was great. The sun was actually out, and it was about zero out, so it was perfect -crisp and bright. The stalls have all kinds of neat Christmas stuff, and there are decorations everywhere!! I had roasted chestnuts! and this yummy pastry thingy that sweet and hot and nummy. It was a wonderful morning! We ended up at the "soup place" for hot soup and cocoa for lunch, which was perfect, because I was chilly.

We came home and watched some Monsters Inc, did a little lesson planning, and played some crib. I'm so glad that Megan likes crib, too! And she's very good - we play a lot of really tight games. Then tonight is Thanksgiving dinner! :) One of my American friends is hosting a small dinner tonight, so I'm going to go and hang out with them. I think it should be cool!

Oh, and to prove that I am TRYING to learn Czech - Jsem Elizabeth a jsem lektorka. (My name is Elizabeth and I'm a teacher/native speaker lecturer.) Hah! Look at me go! Of course, the rest of the "elementary" students are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay beyond that... but that's Ok! I'm determined to catch up!

Well, there's really nothing new here. It's gorgeous, and the Christmas markets are wonderful. You should definitely hop on the next flight over, and I will take you to them. Yes. That's would you should do. Yes, you! And you! And you, over there in the corner. Come and see me!



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