It's Ok, I'm back to normal!
Megan and I signed our "contract of lease" last night. Everything still feels on the up and up, and we've got a pretty sweet little place. We happily discovered that our kitchen does have a few dishes, so all we need to buy is a frying pan! Sweet! I also learned that Prague has an ... wait for it... IKEA!!! So I think we'll head over there on Saturday to hunt up some bedding and a pan. How thrilling!
Today is our course round up (almost done, I just have to hand in my finished Teaching Practice Log, which is a record of all the classes I've taught here, and be moderated tomorrow), and of course, being Thursday, tonight is pub night! Huzzah! A well deserved break after a most stressful week. Two weeks? Three weeks? Month? Who knows. All I know is that this phase of my life "abroad" is ending, and new one is about to begin. Word on the street is that week 3 here is the hardest... and I have photographic evidence to support this. The following photo was taken at last week's Thursday pub night. The poor boy with the "week 3" expression shall remain nameless, but the red hair belongs to Lisa, our Gaelic teacher from week 1, and the bald chappy is Adrian, who's English. And don't think that this photo is some sort of anomaly... we have ALL looked like that once or twice during the course.... :)

I think I may also be feeling particularly chipper, because I committed a cardinal travelling sin, and had lunch in a beautiful foreign city at McDonalds. Yup. And I loved. Every. Minute. The McDonalds here smells EXACTLY like McDs everywhere else. The burgers taste the same. The fries taste the same. But there are differences. For one, this McDs is in a beautiful old building, with subtle decor and sunlight streaming in. They also have no garbage cans in the public eating area; the staff always clean up after you. Also, with your meal, you automatically get a bottle of BonAqua gently carbonated spring water (no water was hurt during the process of carbonation...) as well as your pop. Neat, eh? So I'm feeling nicely hyped on my hormone ridden meat, as well as feeling truly comforted because I thought of Grandpa while I was eating my chips, and wished he could be there to share them with me. When I get home Grandpa, the first trip to McDonalds is on me. I'll even buy you a pie. :) If you were here with me, you could a McDonut! (I think that the McDonalds here have Mc'd just about everything they can.)
Well my lovely lads and lasses, not much else is new here. Pastor Lyle hooked me up with a list of English speaking church groups in Prague (I'm going to be the international... how weird is that?), so I'll check those out next week, because this week we're moving. I'm excited!
Love you all, and thank you for your encouraging emails. Your darling Elizabeth's head is well above the water.
Love and miss you all,
At 11:04 a.m.,
Elizabeth said…
I think more people need to comment on my blog. All this 0 comments stuff is ridiculous! :D I hereby challenge you all to post ONE comment.
BlogMistress Pilgrim has spoken!
At 12:00 p.m.,
Bari said…
First one to post!! Yeah! I win! Eat THAT!
Hey, where did you get your counter from? I want one too.
At 12:29 p.m.,
Elizabeth said…
I just googled "free hit counter" and clicked on it. You have to paste it into all the html... I just did it by trial and error til I got it more or less where I wanted it!
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