That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Feels like Home

Hi everyone! As you've likely guessed, I've made it safely into Prague. My first two flights were late, which led to very tight connections (the longest wait I had was the 10 minutes in Frankfurt, since the boarding line was so long...), but I made it into Praha on time! My flights were amazing - there's definitely something to be said for overseas flights right after midterms. Got on the plane, ate supper, watched 3/4 of The Queen, fell asleep, woke up, ate breakfast, de-planed. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

Courtney met me at the airport, and brought me back to her place to have a shower (worst part of travelling for 20 hrs. is how bad you smell at the end of it...) She and Petr have a gorgeous little flat that I just love, and I'm so pleased that they're letting me stay here. She and Petr and I then went for a walk around Letna park (it was a gloriously sunny day), and I had my first Czech beer in ten months in the beer garden at the top of the hill, overlooking the city. Dobre!

Then we went into town and met up with Adrian, and went for a wander. There a carnival meant to be on, but alas, we couldn't find it. We settled for walking the streets and popping into the little pub where the drunken Boston man yelled at us once... "vaguely reminiscent?!" and then it was on to the Afghan place. 12 people were there! We practically filled the whole place up. Just an aside - I had the roasted pumpkin, served with yogurt and curry spices, and it was phenomenal! We chatted away til about 10, and then we headed home. I slept like the dead!

Then yesterday we went for a walk to buy groceries, and then another walk to rent some DVDs. We came back to the flat, and Court made an incredible stuffed chicken dinner and we watched movies together. Falling into bed at around 11.30, I slept soundly til about 2 ... then the jet lag set in. Having had a similar experience last time, I was prepared - I dug my MP3 out from under the covers where it was sleeping with me, and listened to music til I fell back to sleep a few hours later.

Courtney and Petr are both now at work, so I got up lazily, had a shower, and did the cleanup from last night's dinner (hey - she cooked, I clean!). I'm going to spend this morning reading and relaxing, then eat lunch with Court, and then spend the afternoon wandering through Prague. Tonight we're having dinner at a restaurant I've never been to - but word on the street is that it has the best roast pork and cabbage in Prague! Fab!

So that's where I'm at so far. What I haven't managed to describe (not even in the slightest) is how at home I feel here. I was grinning like a retard on the bus, listening to the woman announce the stops. Going into the Delvita was heaven - the pastries and the breads! They're just so wonderful. The yogurt? So delicious. Then just Prague itself - the cobblestones, the dogs, the bizarre fashion statements... it's so good to be here. It feels like home.




  • At 7:09 p.m., Blogger Bari said…

    Aww... you make me miss Munich. What with the dogs and cobblestones and lady announcing the bus stops! You are totally blessed that you were able to take such a trip!

  • At 6:54 a.m., Blogger Unknown said…

    Overseas flights after midterms, eh? I'm not sure I see the appeal...and a ten-minute connection??? Did your luggage make it? I had less than an hour in Toronto, and my luggage sure didn't make it through that...But jet lag, yeah, I compensated for that with really erratic sleeping patterns...unintentionally. What's the time difference...9 hours?

    Glad to hear you're having a good time. (I am, too, but the English are somewhat known for their negativity about their country.)

  • At 6:57 a.m., Blogger Elizabeth said…

    Being a phenomenally clever girl (*looks anxiously heavenwards, preparing to be smote*) I took only carry-on bags with me: one small suitcase and a messenger bag. So yes, all my luggage made it with me!! :D

    I'm glad you're enjoying England - I don't know too many actual Czechs here in Czech Republic, but my ex-pat friends are wonderful, and are entertaining me beautifully!

  • At 1:04 p.m., Blogger Karlie said…

    I'm glad you're having such a good time there :) Think of me wasting away in the cold and enjoy the wonderful food.

  • At 7:24 p.m., Blogger meesh said…

    you're so lucky! i hope that you had an awesome time and will get to go back again!


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