That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Hey - time!

I was definitely not anticipating having time to post so soon... but I just wrote a quiz, and finished with an hour to spare, so I thought I'd sit down and write a real post.

Like I said yesterday, life is stupid busy. I've been having a fabulous winter term socially: lots of time spent with friends! I hosted a good-sized breakfast for dinner party that was a lot of fun, and was a first opportunity for a lot of my friends to meet each other. There was lots of laughter, and a round-the-circle discussion of what each of us would say if we had to come up with a tagline for the movie "Centre Stage."

Anna-Lisa came over last week and we ordered in Chinese food (which I've never done before - I've always gone to the restaurant) and watched some more Black Books. I gleaned a new pick-up line, and will be trying it out at the soonest possible opportunity. "Do you like to eat? I do. Would you like to do it in the same room sometime?"

I spent Saturday with my dad running errands, and got some sweet new jogging pants and another sports bra. Unfortunately, it's disgusting outside. I'm trying to get up the courage to go to the track in the Van Vliet, but that means running in circles in front of other people. Anyway, back to what I was saying.... Dad and I picked Jake up and then went for dinner and to the monster trucks at Rexall - so much fun!! They had some really wicked moto-cross, and there was a fistfight between the quad teams. Ah, nothing says "family sporting event" quite like a fistfight.

I watched the Superbowl yesterday while I studied for today's exam... and the Colts won! Chris says I can't call them 'my team' since I don't watch very many games (or any, aside from yesterday's), but I say that I can! So: My team won! I had a bet with a friend, and he now owes me dinner and dessert. Life is gooood.

I leave for Prague in less than two weeks now - but I've got 3 midterms to write, a project and paper to start, and thesis stuff to continue on with. I'll get it all handled by the time I leave, but I have to admit that I'm feeling a little bit overwhelmed with it all. I went for my medical (for clinic this summer) this morning, and the nurses were telling me I had to get my bloodwork done NOW (which I don't, but they were trying to be helpful), and I started feeling very stressed... so I hummed "Keep on the Sunny Side" all the way back to Corbett. Geeky, yes. Helpful? Also yes.

And hello! I leave for Prague in less than two weeks now. *wOOt* I'm so excited. I'm going to try and do it with two carry-ons and no checked luggage, but I'm going to have to practice packing for that stellar stunt. My friend Courtney's going to meet me at the airport, and then it's going to be a whirlwind tour of all my favourite people and palces!! After the people, I think I'm most looking forward to the food: I miss the old-school cabbage soup, goulash a knedlicky, and of course! fried cheese. Ah, my arteries are clogging in eager anticipation.

So that's my update. Later gators!


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  • At 10:07 p.m., Blogger meesh said…

    how are the exams and all coming? Getting super excited to leave, I imagine. Anyway, now I live an exciting life through you so you need to update!!!


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