That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Life, or something along those lines

Ok, Ok - I've been a completely dreadful poster recently. I know. But it's been one of those weeks where you're generally busy, yet you're doing absolutely nothing worth blogging about!

I'm currently on holiday - I've taken 4 days off from the Pier, and have been relaxing. Michael and I were going to do 8 million different things.... So far we've rented movies and eaten a lot of food. Sounds like a vay-kay to me! Oh, and we went to church; checked out the Mennonite Brethren church here, since it's just down the road from us. It was nice.

Tonight I'm hoping to meet K. from work to go and play a little tennis. Emphasis on the little. Neither of us actually knows how to serve yet, sooo... :D I imagine we'll have a good time nonetheless.

Being the geek that I am, I'm starting to get very excited about going school supply shopping. I love school supplies! I found these awesome pens that I want. They come in a medium nib, which I love! Plus, they're fun colors, so I can color coordinate my notes. :D AND they apparently don't bleed through paper. How fandangus is that?

I'm also going to color coordinate my budget! Building on my excellent budgeting practice in Praha, I'm going to be very organized - in order to maximize the student loan I'm getting. So I'm going to need those pens, and some post-its, and some colored paperclips, and pencils, and envelopes, and ooooooh superstore here I come! I need binders, and paper, and a new clipboard... yay back to school!

Well, I'm sure my office supply excitement isn't contagious, so I'm going to head off now and read for a bit. Hope you're all having a great day!



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