Hi all. According to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, 42 is the answer to "life, the universe, and everything." We just don't know what the question is. I can respect that.
Yesterday evening, after frantically checking my email all day long, I realized that I wasn't going to hear from Dal before bedtime. As such, I decided that it was God showing me that UofA is the right choice. Accordingly, I emailed my formal acceptance to the University of Alberta. If all goes as planned, I'll graduate from there Summer 2008. Crazy.
Of course, when I got up this morning, there was the email from Dal. I'm third on the "out of region" waiting list. They didn't explain what that means, though - is there an "in region" waiting list, as well? How are the positions that come available distributed? *sigh* It doesn't really matter, as I'm going to UofA, but I still emailed Dal back to ask these questions. Inquiring minds want to know! :)
While perusing UofA's website, I discovered that I can do my final 4 month practicum in Alberta, in Canada (I know, I know - Alberta's in Canada, but you know what I mean), in the States, or in Australia and New Zealand. Hello! Elizabeth wants to do her practicum in New Zealand! See, as I've been living and working in Prague, I've come to the decision that I'd like to work as an SLP internationally, at least for a few years. And what better way to get one's foot in the door than by doing an int'l practicum?? Of course, the student has to foot ALL the bills to do it- so it'd be massively costly. But I want to go there. So I'm making it a goal, something to keep focussed on. I'm going to do my damnedest to save up enough moolah to be an SLP in the land of sheep and Kiwis! Eek - something to be excited about!
I come home in 13 days. I had a little cry yesterday - 2 weeks is NOT a lot of time. But I feel better today, more equipped to deal with life, the universe and everything. 42! 42!
I forgot to mention that last weekend, at Lucerna (dance club), we met a couple Austrians. One of them was chatting with me when Alanis Morisette started playing. "A fellow Canadian" I said.
"You're Canadian?" he asked. "Where are you from?"
Taking a big risk, since most people only know Vancouver and Toronto, I said "Edmonton."
"Oh," he replied "I've been there. I have family in Wetaskiwin."
*Elizabeth falls over dead*
It was bizarre. Truly bizarre. I meet an AUSTRIAN in PRAGUE and he has family in the Wonk! Who'd a thunk?
This weekend should be fun - we're going on a pub crawl tonight, then Tiffany and I are going walking and then dancing tomorrow, Sunday is church and likely something fun in the evening, and Monday Josh is s'posed to take me walking around all the parts of Prague I haven't seen but should have. *phew* I'm going to be exhausted by Tuesday!
Love you all.
Yesterday evening, after frantically checking my email all day long, I realized that I wasn't going to hear from Dal before bedtime. As such, I decided that it was God showing me that UofA is the right choice. Accordingly, I emailed my formal acceptance to the University of Alberta. If all goes as planned, I'll graduate from there Summer 2008. Crazy.
Of course, when I got up this morning, there was the email from Dal. I'm third on the "out of region" waiting list. They didn't explain what that means, though - is there an "in region" waiting list, as well? How are the positions that come available distributed? *sigh* It doesn't really matter, as I'm going to UofA, but I still emailed Dal back to ask these questions. Inquiring minds want to know! :)
While perusing UofA's website, I discovered that I can do my final 4 month practicum in Alberta, in Canada (I know, I know - Alberta's in Canada, but you know what I mean), in the States, or in Australia and New Zealand. Hello! Elizabeth wants to do her practicum in New Zealand! See, as I've been living and working in Prague, I've come to the decision that I'd like to work as an SLP internationally, at least for a few years. And what better way to get one's foot in the door than by doing an int'l practicum?? Of course, the student has to foot ALL the bills to do it- so it'd be massively costly. But I want to go there. So I'm making it a goal, something to keep focussed on. I'm going to do my damnedest to save up enough moolah to be an SLP in the land of sheep and Kiwis! Eek - something to be excited about!
I come home in 13 days. I had a little cry yesterday - 2 weeks is NOT a lot of time. But I feel better today, more equipped to deal with life, the universe and everything. 42! 42!
I forgot to mention that last weekend, at Lucerna (dance club), we met a couple Austrians. One of them was chatting with me when Alanis Morisette started playing. "A fellow Canadian" I said.
"You're Canadian?" he asked. "Where are you from?"
Taking a big risk, since most people only know Vancouver and Toronto, I said "Edmonton."
"Oh," he replied "I've been there. I have family in Wetaskiwin."
*Elizabeth falls over dead*
It was bizarre. Truly bizarre. I meet an AUSTRIAN in PRAGUE and he has family in the Wonk! Who'd a thunk?
This weekend should be fun - we're going on a pub crawl tonight, then Tiffany and I are going walking and then dancing tomorrow, Sunday is church and likely something fun in the evening, and Monday Josh is s'posed to take me walking around all the parts of Prague I haven't seen but should have. *phew* I'm going to be exhausted by Tuesday!
Love you all.
At 11:04 a.m.,
Karlie said…
Wow! If you go there you have to send me wool lol. I think that it probably was a good choice to go to U of A after all. Halifax is gorgeous, definitely, but would you have been able to do an international practicum there? :D I know you'll be happy there.
At 9:15 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Whoo hoo! You're coming to Edmonton!!
At 12:43 a.m.,
Elizabeth said…
Well - I'll DEFINITELY be going to school in Edmonton. However, in order to save all this cash, I MIGHT live in coughcoughwetaskiwincoughcough. I'm not sure... my folks and I are going to talk about it when I get home. In 12 farkin' days!
At 9:53 a.m.,
Karlie said…
Lol. How would you get in to Edmonton every day then? Carpooling with someone? Would your parents have you pay rent/help with groceries? Sean and I are considering moving to Winnipeg early - but I have to hear from U of M first to find out if I got in there. I hope I did, but I'm starting to wonder, since I haven't heard anything. And stupid U of A hasn't sent me anything yet either. I'm getting stressed again!
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