Fridays are for ...
I'm not sure what Fridays are for!! We were supposed to go out to a jazz club tonight, but a miscommunication occurred, and then everything fell apart. I love the people in my class, but it is really hard to make plans with 8 or so people. Eventually, Megan and decided to just stay in tonight, and to try and find some blues tomorrow night. (I'm sick of being happy! I want the blues! *hee hee hee*)
We're quite excited to go look at the apartment tomorrow. We're still lining up viewings of other places, but I think that both Megan and I are hoping that this first one will just work out. It would certainly be easier!
We had a session on "How to Find a Job" today. It was quite interesting! My goal for this weekend is to: develop a one page CV, send a blanket email to all the schools on the Prague list, and post my resume on Hopefully, I'll have a job lined up for when I finish the course.
I actually have a lot of homework for this weekend. I was going to stay at the school to work on it, but unfortunately, there are only 4 computers, and they were all taken. I guess I'll have to head 'er into town and pay to use an internet cafe to wrap stuff up. Fortunately, the cafes are cheap here, so it's no big deal. Plus, it's a total motivator to do your work when you're paying by the minute... :)
I can't believe I'm almost done this course. The last 3 weeks have flown by. I'm excited for the "next step of the journey," but a little nervous, too. Word on the ex-pat street is that the homesickness is really bad around the end of month one, and that's going to be a transition time as well. Prepare yourselves: I'm going to need lots of emails at the end of next week!!
Today in class we did a visualization:
We're quite excited to go look at the apartment tomorrow. We're still lining up viewings of other places, but I think that both Megan and I are hoping that this first one will just work out. It would certainly be easier!
We had a session on "How to Find a Job" today. It was quite interesting! My goal for this weekend is to: develop a one page CV, send a blanket email to all the schools on the Prague list, and post my resume on Hopefully, I'll have a job lined up for when I finish the course.
I actually have a lot of homework for this weekend. I was going to stay at the school to work on it, but unfortunately, there are only 4 computers, and they were all taken. I guess I'll have to head 'er into town and pay to use an internet cafe to wrap stuff up. Fortunately, the cafes are cheap here, so it's no big deal. Plus, it's a total motivator to do your work when you're paying by the minute... :)
I can't believe I'm almost done this course. The last 3 weeks have flown by. I'm excited for the "next step of the journey," but a little nervous, too. Word on the ex-pat street is that the homesickness is really bad around the end of month one, and that's going to be a transition time as well. Prepare yourselves: I'm going to need lots of emails at the end of next week!!
Today in class we did a visualization:
Imagine you are walking down a path. What does it look like?
You come across a twig in your path. What do you do with it?
You come across a fallen tree in your path. What do you do?
You keep walking. You encounter a fork in the road. Which way do you go?
As you continue on down your path, you see a bear. What do you do?
You move past the bear, and come up to a wall. What does the wall look like?
You stand next to the wall, and hear a sound. What is it?
You come across a twig in your path. What do you do with it?
You come across a fallen tree in your path. What do you do?
You keep walking. You encounter a fork in the road. Which way do you go?
As you continue on down your path, you see a bear. What do you do?
You move past the bear, and come up to a wall. What does the wall look like?
You stand next to the wall, and hear a sound. What is it?
My path was brown and gravelly, crunching pleasantly beneath my feet, surrounded by lush green trees. I picked up the twig, looked at it carefully, and put it in my pocket to carry with me. I climbed right over the fallen tree and kept on going. I took the left hand fork, and when I saw the bear, I thought about poking it with my stick. Then I thought that wasn't such a hot idea, so I played dead. I got up, and walked to my wall, which was a beautiful old stone wall, grey and bumpy, but the bumps were worn smooth with age. Over the wall I could hear a small voice calling "help me, help me..."
Path: life
Twig: how you deal with small problems
Fallen tree: how you deal with big problems
Fork: political bent
Bear: how you respond to the opposite sex
Wall: how you see death
Sound: how you see the afterlife.
So, apparently my life is crunchy and verdant. I like to pick up small problems and carry them with me (totally true), but I climb over big problems and keep on going (true? mum, what do you think?). Politically, I'm on the left (unsure on this one... I'm kind of apolitical). When I'm around men, I think about antagonizing them, but choose to curl up and play dead. Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend.... ;) I see death as something old and beautiful, and the afterlife is ... someone calling for help? Everyone else heard bells, or birdsong, or waterfalls... not me! I heard someone calling for help!
Other peoples were funny, too. Rob punched the bear in the stomach and ran. John sat down on the fallen tree and hung out for a while. Adrian heard babies crying on the other side of the wall. I'm just telling you this so that you know that I'm not the only nutter in my class! :D
We also did Gardner's multiple intelligences. Surprise, surprise, my highest intelligence is linguistic. What IS surprising is that my musical intelligence (according to the mini test we did) is equally as high. Next was my intrapersonal, which was close to the first two. Sort of middling were my interpersonal and my logical-mathmatical, and waaaaaaaay low were my kinaesthetic and my visual-spatial. So no major surprises there!
Well, stick a fork in me Jerry, I'm done. I hope you have a good weekend... likely no new post til Monday. But you can still email me... I'll be checking!
Love your curls up and dies around men friend,
Path: life
Twig: how you deal with small problems
Fallen tree: how you deal with big problems
Fork: political bent
Bear: how you respond to the opposite sex
Wall: how you see death
Sound: how you see the afterlife.
So, apparently my life is crunchy and verdant. I like to pick up small problems and carry them with me (totally true), but I climb over big problems and keep on going (true? mum, what do you think?). Politically, I'm on the left (unsure on this one... I'm kind of apolitical). When I'm around men, I think about antagonizing them, but choose to curl up and play dead. Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend.... ;) I see death as something old and beautiful, and the afterlife is ... someone calling for help? Everyone else heard bells, or birdsong, or waterfalls... not me! I heard someone calling for help!
Other peoples were funny, too. Rob punched the bear in the stomach and ran. John sat down on the fallen tree and hung out for a while. Adrian heard babies crying on the other side of the wall. I'm just telling you this so that you know that I'm not the only nutter in my class! :D
We also did Gardner's multiple intelligences. Surprise, surprise, my highest intelligence is linguistic. What IS surprising is that my musical intelligence (according to the mini test we did) is equally as high. Next was my intrapersonal, which was close to the first two. Sort of middling were my interpersonal and my logical-mathmatical, and waaaaaaaay low were my kinaesthetic and my visual-spatial. So no major surprises there!
Well, stick a fork in me Jerry, I'm done. I hope you have a good weekend... likely no new post til Monday. But you can still email me... I'll be checking!
Love your curls up and dies around men friend,
At 1:25 p.m.,
Shoeaholic410 said…
I was just browsing your site and thought your visualization was interesting!
My path was a dirt road with trees around it.
I stepped on my twig to break it.
I climbed over the big tree.
I went right at the fork...(strange I thought).
I was scared of the bear but just slowly moved past him.
My wall was white concrete and I heard the ocean on the opposite side.
Analyze that.....
At 1:30 p.m.,
Elizabeth said…
It's nice to meet you! I glanced at your blog, and you seem very interesting. I hope you're enjoying reading my posts, and when I have more time, I'll read more of yours.
At 8:20 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Studies have shown that we tend to veer in the same direction as we are handed. I.e. since I am left handed I will tend to go towards the left. Apparently, left-handed people get into more head-on car accidents in North America because they will swerve to the left when they react to obstacles. The opposite is true in Britain. Right-handers have a higher rate of head-on collisions.
At 1:00 a.m.,
Elizabeth said…
That's interesting, since I'm a right-handed person (strongly right handed at that), I instantly chose the left hand path!
At 11:52 a.m.,
Karlie said…
My visualization was a lot like yours, although I heard birds instead of a voice, and snapped the twig. But it looked the same! :)
I hope Prague is still treating you well ;)
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