So much to say, so much per minute
'allo! I've given up on being able to use the school's computers (you should see the line up!) and broke down and bought a mocha and some minutes at an internet cafe! There is much to be telling you.
I thought I'd start out by telling you a bit more about our night at the jazz club. The jazz trio sounded amazing... but looked a bit different. For those of you who have seen Napoleon Dynamite, the guitarist looked like his brunette doppleganger! It was hysterical. Here's this totally scrawny guy, wearing dockers and a button down, his belt is wrapped around his skinny waist twice, he's wearing geeky glasses and has buck teeth.... but he OWNED that guitar. It was phenomenal. The drummer drummed with eyes closed for almost the entire time. He missed picking up his drumsticks a couple times, and completely missed one of the cymbals once, but he was still incredible. And the bassist looked like an old man version of Dopey from the Disney Snow White... he only smiled during their last song of the night! And yet it all came together to be one of the most amazing experiences I've had here. I can't wait to go again.
I also saw the true Czech drinking style this weekend. We went into a club, and there were three men at a table. One was sitting upright staring into space, one was leaning on his elbows with his head in his hands, and the third had his head flat on the table, sound asleep. Every now again, one of them would twitch, take a drink, and then return to his pose. I never saw them speak, smile, or look alive. While it was funny to watch... well, I'm glad I'm not like that!
Rumor in Elizabeth's world has it that some of you are a bit concerned that I am becoming an excessive consumer of alcohol. Allow me a moment to correct this impression. The first thing that you have to realize is that pubs here aren't like pubs in Canada... they're more like restaurants. If you actually went to a place called a "restaurant" here, you'd pay 3-4 times as much money for less food that tastes the same. Hence, we eat in the pubs. You don't have to have a drink at all; I frequently drink Sprite here, because I like it, and it comes in nifty little glass bottles. On occasion I will have a (as in one single solitary) beer with dinner. I quite like the dark beer here, but only one. After that, they taste all yicky and bitter. Plus, beer is cheaper than pop in a lot of places, so it's being financially responsible. ;) Now, I can't say this for my classmates... some of them enjoy a little too much beer a little too often. But not me! I'm being very good and responsible and moderate. Your little Elizabeth is a-Ok!
And being Ok... I've already set up two job interviews, and am working on a 3rd. Currently, none of them are offering full time work, but I might be able to put together a few part times to equal full-time, or something else may come up. Given that I only emailed out my applications about... 5 hours ago, I'd say that there's still time. :D And I figure it can't hurt to interview for a couple of jobs that I don't necessarily plan to take, because it will help me get comfortable with these sorts of interviews. Please pray that I can figure out which job is for me! We had a presentation today about a company called Skrivanek, and I'm hoping I might be able to interview there for a full-time position ( It would be sweet to just have one job rather than several.
Well, that's it for now. I love you all... email me!!
I thought I'd start out by telling you a bit more about our night at the jazz club. The jazz trio sounded amazing... but looked a bit different. For those of you who have seen Napoleon Dynamite, the guitarist looked like his brunette doppleganger! It was hysterical. Here's this totally scrawny guy, wearing dockers and a button down, his belt is wrapped around his skinny waist twice, he's wearing geeky glasses and has buck teeth.... but he OWNED that guitar. It was phenomenal. The drummer drummed with eyes closed for almost the entire time. He missed picking up his drumsticks a couple times, and completely missed one of the cymbals once, but he was still incredible. And the bassist looked like an old man version of Dopey from the Disney Snow White... he only smiled during their last song of the night! And yet it all came together to be one of the most amazing experiences I've had here. I can't wait to go again.
I also saw the true Czech drinking style this weekend. We went into a club, and there were three men at a table. One was sitting upright staring into space, one was leaning on his elbows with his head in his hands, and the third had his head flat on the table, sound asleep. Every now again, one of them would twitch, take a drink, and then return to his pose. I never saw them speak, smile, or look alive. While it was funny to watch... well, I'm glad I'm not like that!
Rumor in Elizabeth's world has it that some of you are a bit concerned that I am becoming an excessive consumer of alcohol. Allow me a moment to correct this impression. The first thing that you have to realize is that pubs here aren't like pubs in Canada... they're more like restaurants. If you actually went to a place called a "restaurant" here, you'd pay 3-4 times as much money for less food that tastes the same. Hence, we eat in the pubs. You don't have to have a drink at all; I frequently drink Sprite here, because I like it, and it comes in nifty little glass bottles. On occasion I will have a (as in one single solitary) beer with dinner. I quite like the dark beer here, but only one. After that, they taste all yicky and bitter. Plus, beer is cheaper than pop in a lot of places, so it's being financially responsible. ;) Now, I can't say this for my classmates... some of them enjoy a little too much beer a little too often. But not me! I'm being very good and responsible and moderate. Your little Elizabeth is a-Ok!
And being Ok... I've already set up two job interviews, and am working on a 3rd. Currently, none of them are offering full time work, but I might be able to put together a few part times to equal full-time, or something else may come up. Given that I only emailed out my applications about... 5 hours ago, I'd say that there's still time. :D And I figure it can't hurt to interview for a couple of jobs that I don't necessarily plan to take, because it will help me get comfortable with these sorts of interviews. Please pray that I can figure out which job is for me! We had a presentation today about a company called Skrivanek, and I'm hoping I might be able to interview there for a full-time position ( It would be sweet to just have one job rather than several.
Well, that's it for now. I love you all... email me!!
At 1:35 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
So how did the apt hunting go? You haven't mentioned.
At 8:14 p.m.,
Karlie said…
I knew what you meant by pubs ;) Kinda like O'Beirne's on Whyte, right? I don't think I ever actually drank alcohol there.
At 2:02 a.m.,
Elizabeth said…
No apartment success yet... the one we were so excited to see (that the photos I showed you are of) was rented out before we could even go see it. It was quite disappointing. But we're going to look at 4 ap'ts today, and hopefully one of them will pan out! :)
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