So THIS is what blind panic feels like!
Ok ok, intrepid readers... don't get too excited. It isn't exactly blind panic... it's more like HOLY COW TOO MUCH IS HAPPENING ALL AT ONE AND I'M MAKING MAJOR DECISIONS WITHOUT MY PARENTS HELP AND I'M 8000 MILES AWAY FROM HOME AND WHAT AM I DOING HERE???????
Wait! Come back! Don't run away! I promise, no more freaking out. Instead, I shall rationally explain why I feel like simultaneously weeping and curling into the fetal position.
It all started yesterday.... (Cue the flash back!)
I sent out my resume to approximately 50 schools at once. And I had several interviews arranged within a few hours, which is crazy. Good. But crazy. One of those interviews happened this morning. I tried to go to bed early, but my flatmates pulled an almost-all-nighter trying to cram for our exam, and their noise coupled with my nerves meant that I hardly slept last night. I went in for the interview, and it was great! The woman who does the interviewing seemed to really like me, and feels that I'm qualified to teach the advanced English classes of some of their business clientele. I would go out to businesses, and teach the classes in-company. Fabulous. Only one minor hurdle... I have to teach a demo lesson. Tomorrow. At 9am. And then, I have to write my language exam. And then, I have to teach my final lesson at Oxford TEFL. Aaaaargh!! Too. Much. Stuff!
However, the woman at the interview told me that so long as the demo lesson is Ok, they will hire me (yay!) and will assign me classes starting on Monday, which is fabulous. They will give me full-time hours, and the pay is good. So let's all pray together that my demo lesson goes well.
The other big stressor has been getting an apartment. Megan and I need a place to live starting Sunday. The apartments we tried to find on our own fell through, so we ended up going through a company called Happy House Rentals. We found a place!! I didn't realize how much money it's going to cost to get started... we have to pay first and last month's rents (last month is the deposit), and a finder's fee. But my gut says it's all on the up and up, and the place is quite nice. It's a bit costlier than we were hoping, but we're right in Prague 1 (the centre!) near Wencelas Square. The doors lock tightly, it's on the fourth floor, it's a busy street, and the police station is half a block away. It's mostly furnished, so all Megan and I have to buy is bedding and a few dishes (we're going to buy dishes 2nd hand if we can). I feel a bit sick about making this huge of a decision on my own (well, with Megan, obviously, but without my parents), but I'm confident that I made a good choice.
But I have to go now, and prepare my demo lesson for tomorrow, and get a decent night's sleep. I'm starting to feel just a teensy bit homesick with all of the stress, so please email me and tell me that you love me! :)
Wait! Come back! Don't run away! I promise, no more freaking out. Instead, I shall rationally explain why I feel like simultaneously weeping and curling into the fetal position.
It all started yesterday.... (Cue the flash back!)
I sent out my resume to approximately 50 schools at once. And I had several interviews arranged within a few hours, which is crazy. Good. But crazy. One of those interviews happened this morning. I tried to go to bed early, but my flatmates pulled an almost-all-nighter trying to cram for our exam, and their noise coupled with my nerves meant that I hardly slept last night. I went in for the interview, and it was great! The woman who does the interviewing seemed to really like me, and feels that I'm qualified to teach the advanced English classes of some of their business clientele. I would go out to businesses, and teach the classes in-company. Fabulous. Only one minor hurdle... I have to teach a demo lesson. Tomorrow. At 9am. And then, I have to write my language exam. And then, I have to teach my final lesson at Oxford TEFL. Aaaaargh!! Too. Much. Stuff!
However, the woman at the interview told me that so long as the demo lesson is Ok, they will hire me (yay!) and will assign me classes starting on Monday, which is fabulous. They will give me full-time hours, and the pay is good. So let's all pray together that my demo lesson goes well.
The other big stressor has been getting an apartment. Megan and I need a place to live starting Sunday. The apartments we tried to find on our own fell through, so we ended up going through a company called Happy House Rentals. We found a place!! I didn't realize how much money it's going to cost to get started... we have to pay first and last month's rents (last month is the deposit), and a finder's fee. But my gut says it's all on the up and up, and the place is quite nice. It's a bit costlier than we were hoping, but we're right in Prague 1 (the centre!) near Wencelas Square. The doors lock tightly, it's on the fourth floor, it's a busy street, and the police station is half a block away. It's mostly furnished, so all Megan and I have to buy is bedding and a few dishes (we're going to buy dishes 2nd hand if we can). I feel a bit sick about making this huge of a decision on my own (well, with Megan, obviously, but without my parents), but I'm confident that I made a good choice.
But I have to go now, and prepare my demo lesson for tomorrow, and get a decent night's sleep. I'm starting to feel just a teensy bit homesick with all of the stress, so please email me and tell me that you love me! :)
At 2:18 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
I love you Elizabeth and I know without a doubt that you can do this and are more than capable. Just breath, and breath again. If you e-mail me your phone number I can try and give you a call just so you can hear a friendly voice. Good luck with your demo and I'll be praying for all to go well.
At 8:36 a.m.,
Karlie said…
I know you'll do wonderfully too. You always make good decisions, and are always cautious and careful. Just remember how many people over in Canada are thinking good thoughts for you!
Good luck with everything you have in the next few days!
At 8:40 a.m.,
Elizabeth said…
Thanks, Karlie. I really appreciate your encouragement!! I'm feeling better about my choices, and I think it'll be Ok! *Don't you know everything's alright, yeah, everything's fine..." (That's from Jesus Christ Superstar, in case you're wondering!) (One of my fave songs, actually... you should check it out).
At 10:22 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
good luck elizabeth! you will be fine. i'm sending you many good thoughts.
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