Selective Eaters...
"Look at this bowl of peas. You don't have to eat them. Just look at them. Hm. They're green. And round. I bet they'd roll if you put them on the table. Good job! You touched them without vomiting! High five."
"Look at this bowl of peas. You don't have to eat them, just look. I wonder what they feel like. Hey you touched them! Good work. Can you squish them? Can you put those squished ones on your cheeks? Ooh, good work. Here's a kleenex and a glass of water. Can you kiss those peas? You can wipe them off if you're feeling sick. You kissed the peas! High give."
And people wonder why speech pathologists are a little quirky. You would be to if the above conversation was a part of your daily life, as it is for the guest lecturer we had yesterday. :)
There's a month left in clinic, and as much as I've enjoyed it, I'm ready to be done. I'm at the point of tired now where I fall asleep on the LRT, I spill slurpees on my laptop (luckily Dexter is Ok), and I break glasses (fortunately I was holding it in a tea towel, so I didn't cut myself). Luckily this weekend is going to be very relaxing. We're definitely going out to the cabin (Robert, Aaron, Megs and myself) to be lazy and play games for most of the weekend. On Monday we're going to go to the Stampede finals, which should be very fun. Chris might meet us there, which would also be cool. I like it when my worlds collide a bit, and friends meet family meet boyfriends, etc. :)
I'm doing my solo adult session today, which means that I'm the only person in the room with my client. I'm feeling pretty good about what I've got planned, if a teensy bit nervous because I'm trying a trivia activity that we've never done before. However, if it doesn't go well, we can always just do some more oral-motor exercises instead. Back up plans are very comforting. :)
That's all that's new, friends.