That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Friday, June 22, 2007

More Singing!

My friends are all feeling a titch irritated right now. It seems that somehow, someone got the song "I was made for lovin' you" stuck in their heads. WHO would do a thing like that? WHO would hear a random comment made in the grad lab about lovin' a certain activity, and suddenly belt out:
I was made for lovin' you baby/you were made for lovin' me.


Me. Of course. Who else? I think that, in general, there should be more singing. And lately I've been in this wonderful, fantastic mood that leads to much singing. Also happy dancing. And my happy dancing is a sight to behold. Imagine a penguin... bold in her tuxedo, flippered and slightly awkward.
Now imagine that this penguin has some severe hemorrhoids, and an ingrown toenail. But she is joyful! Nevertheless, she is happy and she wishes to DANCE. That's me. Happy dancing! Fantastic. I imagine that the producers of "Canada's Got Talent" will beating my door down any day. I will be the next William Hung!

Anyhoo, that's all that's new. Have happy day!




  • At 4:30 p.m., Blogger Unknown said…

    You are a dork. A lovely dork, but a dork nonetheless. :)


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