That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wherein Elizabeth Demonstrates how Much She's Changed

So. I think we're all pretty aware that I'm not nearly the scaredy-pants that I used to be. My stint abroad taught me a lot about getting out of my comfort zone, meeting and making friends, and having fun! (Rule #1 - Have fun! Rule #2 - Have fun! Rule #3 - Have fun! Rule #4 - Don't take yourself so seriously!) And just to prove it....

Today I slapped my signature in a little box. Just totally walked up to that sheet of paper and did it. It's something I've wanted to do since high school, but always too afraid to try. I'm now the co-president of our students' association (Oasis, the link only works if you use internet explorer), and I'm thrilled. My partner in crime is my already good friend Hannah, so I imagine we're going to rock! My first suggestion as co-pres is to rename the position "Dictators Supreme." I wonder if Hannah and the class are up for it... :) So I'm super pumped, and looking forward to meeting more people, and doing some planning and organizing.

The other thing that I did today was... well, either brave or stupid. Maybe both? I expressed interest in our class' campus rec team... for ... coughcoughhockeycoughcough. Have I ever played hockey? No. Do I own hockey equipment? No. But I love skating, and I want to try something new. I'm not 100% sure about this yet. There are 2 things. 1) The team may prefer to have members that have, oh I don't know, played the game before. So I'm not sure that they'll want me. 2) IF I do it, I'll need gear. Gear = money. Money = something I don't really have right now. So this is going on the prayer list. If hockey's all good with God, I'm sure that he can provide me with some second hand equipment. Want to pray with me? Or know someone that might have some stuff I could use? Let me know, please!

Have I told you yet how much I love being a speechie? Because I do. I'm in love with it. It's busy, and demanding, and hard work, and I love it. The readings are mostly interesting (anatomy and the physics of sound being a li'l harder to get into), the assignments are cool, and the labs are awesome! On Tuesday we got to play around with oscilloscopes and microphones, and today we were introduced to software that we can use for transcription. (Lipp, Elizabeth. Elizabeth, Lipp. A pleasure to meet you. The pleasure's all mine.) Friday we're dissecting sheep brains!! Yay! (Alison tells me they bounce if you drop them. She was quick to assure me that she does NOT know this from firsthand experience. Yeah. Right.)

So life is AWESOME! Plus, I'm back at Knox (and loving it, and them!), and I'm joining an SLP Bible study. I need more guys in my life (the estrogen levels are stifling at the mo.), but they'll show up sooner or later. Or I'll gatecrash engineering events. You know. Whatever works.

Ok. I really need to read this audiology stuff. Maybe I'll make some popcorn. The physics of sound might be more interesting with popcorn.

me!!!!! (Who loves being me!)

PS - if you haven't, check out my brother's most recent post. It's awesome!


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