That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Monday, September 18, 2006

That's just speechie!

I've already been informed that my whole "that's just speechie" comment is not very funny. But it is punny, and I love it, and Megan and I want to make shirts that say it with the above picture under the words. So you can keep your crabby "aren't YOU witty" comments to yourselves!

Today's classes were good. I got home, and attempted to work on my transcription homework. We have a bunch of soundclips of a little girl (I think) saying single words. She has some speech issues, though, so she doesn't say them how you or I would. My job? Write down how a typical person would say it, using the International Phonetic Alphabet (a series of letters and symbols representing speech sounds). Then I write down what she says, so that I can compare the two. Making all of this EVEN MORE FUN is the computer program we're learning to use. It's ghetto. It's old school. It's ancient, and user-unfriendly, and nasty. I have a very legitimate fear that it's going to eat my hours of work (it already tried to eat Megan's). And yes, I mean hours. You listen to each word a zillion times, trying to hear each of the little differences... and then find the symbols, and type them in, and line them up, and .... Well, let's just say I'm taking a LOOOOOOOOONG break at the moment!

Public skating starts tomorrow - yay! Liana, I made a mistake. It's on Tuesdays at Oliver, not Wednesdays. So I'll be heading to that. I imagine I'll need the stress relief. You know that whole above paragraph about the transcription? Well, a bunch of us are getting together to work on it tomorrow. It's going to be a gong show. Everyone'll hear something different, or want to use a different symbol... *sigh* I'm only staying as long as it's sane!!

But I should stick my nose back in my hearing science and audiology book. It's dry and dense, but I don't really know enough about the physics of sound, and I should be learning it. Then it's on to anatomy and physiology, since we have a quiz in a week, and I'm relatively confident that I know nothing. (I know nooooooooooooothing! -Manuel, from Fawlty Towers, episode "Communication Problems"... hey! We should watch that in class!)

Anyhoo, I'm off!



  • At 8:02 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey...I did email you, did you get it? Just wanted to check.


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