That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


The slow-down on my posting lately is not due to a lack of subject matter, but rather due to a SERIOUS lack of time! Things are go go go in E's World these days, and I'm still loving every minute of it!

Classes continue to go well. I'm managing to keep on top of everything by spending every minute I'm at home (which isn't all that much...) locked in my room with notes, books and laptop, chugging through the material. I'm totally willing to admit that some of my reading has been skimming, but at least I'm looking over the material, and can contribute intelligently to discussions! (Minus my question about the astronauts... but that's another story.)

I met with Dr. B today to discuss doing my SPA 900 project with her. By the end of it... well... I believe that I may have decided today to do a thesis. I'm still going to check out what other profs are doing, just in case something lights me up even more... but I'm pretty pumped about this concept. A thesis means that it's going to take me 6 mos. to a year longer to complete my degree, and I won't be going to NZ in summer '08, but that's not the end of the world. I can still go to NZ, just later. And really - what's 6 or 12 months when I'm feeling so passionate about what I'm doing? So, I'll make my official decision Friday - but I'm already pretty confident that it's a thesis with Dr. B!

This weekend was crazy busy, but so awesome. Friday night I went out with some friends to Cook County. We did a little line dancing, and then I spent the night at Allison's, which was fun. Her kitty Marv totally snuggled with us! On Saturday, I met up with a guy for coffee, which was nice. It also brings with it a funny story... (cue flashback music):

So I'm meeting... let's call him Elmo... for coffee. It's the first time we've met, and instead of sitting down and drinking coffee, we decide to walk up and down Whyte and enjoy the sun. Lovely! We pass the Timmie's (Tim Horton's), and I say I'm going to pop in and grab a juice, and Elmo says he's going to head into the bank and quickly grab some cash. I head into Timmie's, and see that there are 2 registers open. I proceed to line up at the one nearest the door I came in (I'm logical like that), which also has a shorter line. As the line moves forward, I also step forward, and MiddleAgedMan1 (MAM1) says politely "Excuse me, but there's only one line, and you're cutting into it." "I'm sorry, I thought that there were two lines" I replied, turning to move to the back of the line. You all know me. You know I hate it when people are stupid in customer service situations. I'm not about to cut in line, I just misunderstood what was happening. As I'm turning around to move, MiddleAgedMan2 (MAM2) says to me, rather brusquely "Yeah! You can't just cut in!" I turn to him and say "There's no need to be rude. I thought that there were two lines, and I'm moving." "NO ONE'S being rude," MAM2 replies completely snottily. "Yes, you are, " I say,"your tone of voice is very rude!" MAM1 cuts in with "yeah, she's moving, so calm down dude." But this point, I'm totally flustered and frustrated, because this guy is assuming I'm a total jerk who would cut in line, and I'm not, and he's being mean to me, and I don't know what to do, so I'm trying to get to the back of the line, but it's very crowded, and there isn't a lot of room, and I'm fighting back tears, and I'm mad... and there's Elmo. He looks at me, looks at the situation... and says "What'd you DO?! C'mon, let's get out of here," and hauls me out of Timmies.

So that's my story. I thought we had a good time, and he got to be my "knight in shining armour," but I haven't heard from him since, so maybe not. It was a good time nevertheless, so no worries. :)

Saturday night Jake came over for a sleepover, and we watched part of a movie, and played cards, and read stories. It was very nice. Then Sunday afternoon I went and saw Phantom with Chris! WOW! It was so great, and I can't thank Chris enough for taking me with him. I also got to meet his mum. She's very sweet, and very tiny! She can't be more than 5' tall, and I was wearing heels, so I towered over her!

Other Possible Commitments
I'm looking into volunteering a few hours a week at a women's shelter, teaching ESL. The guy that I was in touch with hasn't called me yet, so I'm not sure what's up with that. However, hopefully it'll all come together, and I can teach some women basic English that they can use to find an apartment, find a job, buy groceries, etc.

I also (finally!) had an interview with the UofA's Faculty of Extension. I felt like it went really well, and the man told me to drop them a line a week before Oct. 31 (when the new session starts), and they'd see if they had a class for me or not. It all depends on how many students sign up, so they're not 100% sure how many classes they'll have. I'm praying that if God wants me there, it'll work out, and that if it would just be too much for me, he'll just close that door.

Friends in General
I just have to throw a shout out to my Speechie friends in here. Allsion, Megan and Hannah are seriously a total gift from God. Megan and I have very similar stories about coming to back to Edmonton and our lives here when all we really wanted was to go somewhere brand new instead (in fact, one of her first choices was also Dal!). She had me over for dinner last night, and it was just amazing. We talked and talked (and roasted marshmallows over her burners to make s'mores!), and got to know each other just a little bit more. She's great. So great, that I even lent her my Adrian Plass book, which does not go out easily!

And now, that's a huge update, so I'm going to go. It's almost time to leave for skating!!



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