One of these things of these things just doesn't belong...
It's another guessing game! Which one doesn't belong?
If you guessed (c), you're right! The other two are Jasper's 'babies' - stuffed animals that she treats in the most horrific manner (there would be a lot of shaken baby syndrome if Jasper took care of your infants). And I don't know WHO thought it was a good idea to let a GIRAFFE be abused in such a terrible way, but I guess that's beyond my control. ;) (Have I told you that she knows them by name, as well? If say "Go get Ginger!" she runs off and comes back with, and only with, the giraffe. Adorable!) The third one is a sock of mine. Yes. I know. I'm 22 years old, and I have socks with animal heads on them. They were a Christmas present, they're soft, and I love them. Plus, I'm a redneck Albertan, and I like deer heads anywhere! Walls, grills, socks - it's all good to me.
I was doing laundry this morning, and I tossed my clean stuff on the bedroom floor while I made my bed (oh delicious freshly made bed with clean sheets - I can hardly wait til bedtime!). Jasper was in my room snuffling around and keeping me company, as neither of us particularly enjoys being alone. As I paired up my socks to put them away, I noticed one of the deer socks was missing. Hmmm. Knowing me, I figured it was in the washing machine, or under the bed or some such nonsense. I come strolling into the living room, and there's Jasper, on her chair, my SOCK in her MOUTH, and the guiltiest expression on her face. "Uh, Auntie? I know I shouldn't have this - but it's so soft! And it looks like my babies! Can we call him Denny, and I'll fetch it when you tell me to???"
Well, I'm a crotchety old woman, so I grabbed my sock back and firmly explained to Jasper that my socks are OFF-LIMITS, and stormed back to my room to lovingly tuck Denny, whoops!, I mean my sock back into the drawer. When I came back to the living room, Jasper was no where to be seen. I sat down to check my email (thanks for the emails Tiffany, Courtney, Lucy and Adrian - 4 in a morning! Unheard of!), and I heard snivelling. I looked in the kitchen, no Jasper. I checked her chair, no Jasper.
Remember me telling you about the kennel? The one she doesn't like, but will go in to hide her 'treasures'? Well, she was in there. Crying, because her Aunt had been too grouchy with her. So I had to talk her out of her kennel, and give her a snuggle, and throw her babies around for her to chase before she lost the "I'm so sad because you're mad at me" face. So cute!
That's all for today, folks - I start my new job Friday. Hurrah!
It's another guessing game! Which one doesn't belong?



If you guessed (c), you're right! The other two are Jasper's 'babies' - stuffed animals that she treats in the most horrific manner (there would be a lot of shaken baby syndrome if Jasper took care of your infants). And I don't know WHO thought it was a good idea to let a GIRAFFE be abused in such a terrible way, but I guess that's beyond my control. ;) (Have I told you that she knows them by name, as well? If say "Go get Ginger!" she runs off and comes back with, and only with, the giraffe. Adorable!) The third one is a sock of mine. Yes. I know. I'm 22 years old, and I have socks with animal heads on them. They were a Christmas present, they're soft, and I love them. Plus, I'm a redneck Albertan, and I like deer heads anywhere! Walls, grills, socks - it's all good to me.
I was doing laundry this morning, and I tossed my clean stuff on the bedroom floor while I made my bed (oh delicious freshly made bed with clean sheets - I can hardly wait til bedtime!). Jasper was in my room snuffling around and keeping me company, as neither of us particularly enjoys being alone. As I paired up my socks to put them away, I noticed one of the deer socks was missing. Hmmm. Knowing me, I figured it was in the washing machine, or under the bed or some such nonsense. I come strolling into the living room, and there's Jasper, on her chair, my SOCK in her MOUTH, and the guiltiest expression on her face. "Uh, Auntie? I know I shouldn't have this - but it's so soft! And it looks like my babies! Can we call him Denny, and I'll fetch it when you tell me to???"
Well, I'm a crotchety old woman, so I grabbed my sock back and firmly explained to Jasper that my socks are OFF-LIMITS, and stormed back to my room to lovingly tuck Denny, whoops!, I mean my sock back into the drawer. When I came back to the living room, Jasper was no where to be seen. I sat down to check my email (thanks for the emails Tiffany, Courtney, Lucy and Adrian - 4 in a morning! Unheard of!), and I heard snivelling. I looked in the kitchen, no Jasper. I checked her chair, no Jasper.
Remember me telling you about the kennel? The one she doesn't like, but will go in to hide her 'treasures'? Well, she was in there. Crying, because her Aunt had been too grouchy with her. So I had to talk her out of her kennel, and give her a snuggle, and throw her babies around for her to chase before she lost the "I'm so sad because you're mad at me" face. So cute!
That's all for today, folks - I start my new job Friday. Hurrah!
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