My Home - An Essay by Elizabeth Huebert
When it comes to home, I currently feel rather 'homeless' - not in the sense that I don't have a place to live (I actually have about 3 of those!), but more in the sense that I don't really have any roots anywhere at the moment. In fact, when I think of 'home' right now, I mostly think of my friends in Prague. :) ... :( I miss you guys! But since I'm spending the summer here in CR, this is going to be my home. So I may as well show y'all around.
What better place to begin than my bedroom? This room is GORGEOUS, and it isn't square (the walls are funny angles), which I love. Note the cool paint job - there's a chair rail about 12 inches from the ceiling, and that space is filled with stars, while the rest of the walls are stripey. Lovely!

My desk and my dresser - as well as my window. Isn't this a great room? I love it already. It's so cozy! And cute! And wait til you see how green it is out my window!
The view out my window (note the textbooks on the sill - at least they're sitting where I can see them!)
This is the Hallway. All those doors that are closed? You don't get to see in there! So there! :P
This is the kitchen. Lots of workspace, which I love. I made chicken stir fry for dinner last night, and will be whipping up a spaghetti bolognese this evening. Chris, sound familiar?
This is the dining room/entertainment area. Michael and I eat off of TV trays (as seen in the picture above) and watch TV. You guys should try to check out "Deadliest Catch." It's all about the men who go crabbing for Alaskan King Crab - one person dies each WEEK while they do it. It's considered the most dangerous job in the world. (Oh how I missed TV!)
This is where I am right now. In fact - you can even see the blogger page on the computer screet. Down to the right is Jasper's kennel. She doesn't like to spend time in there, except when she's hiding her 'treasures' that no one is supposed to know about. Sneaky. Very sneaky.
This is the living room. The chair on the right is Jasper's - it's where she keeps her blanky and her 'babies' - stuffed animals that she treats very badly. What's cute is that she knows the difference between them, so I can tell her 'go get your zebra' and she'll bring me the zebra. Not the monkey or the giraffe (I can't believe that someone's allowing her to savage a giraffe!!), but the zebra. So cute!
Speaking of so cute, here's the baby herself, trying to have a little snooze. She came scratching at my door this morning, so I let her in, and we had a little cuddle in my bed. She's so warm! And so cute!
What better place to begin than my bedroom? This room is GORGEOUS, and it isn't square (the walls are funny angles), which I love. Note the cool paint job - there's a chair rail about 12 inches from the ceiling, and that space is filled with stars, while the rest of the walls are stripey. Lovely!

My comfy bed (ah beds, how I missed you!), and my desk. Where I'm meant to be studying Child Language Acquisition and Neuropsychology. Note that I'm blogging instead. :)

My desk and my dresser - as well as my window. Isn't this a great room? I love it already. It's so cozy! And cute! And wait til you see how green it is out my window!

So that's my home for right now. Today I'm calling to check up on my application to work with a summer day camp program as well as printing off a resume for the local grocery store. They're hiring full-time, and I'm emminently qualified. In fact, I have experience in several departments - cashiering, meat wrapping, and serving in the deli. And I wouldn't really mind a slack job for the summer. It's close enough for me to walk or bike to, which is nice as well. Probably doesn't pay so well - but full time's good enough for me.
Later days!
Later days!
At 9:10 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
A slack job would be a nice change of pace for you. Your brother's house is absolutely beautiful. So is Jasper!
At 6:53 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Your brother's house is gorgeous. Could I transport it and the backyard to here and buy it?
And even for a cat-person, I have to say that Jasper is adorable. But then again, that's the small dog thing.
At 9:15 a.m.,
Karlie said…
It looks really pretty there, and I LOVE the way your room is painted. I wonder if I could convince Sean that that's the way we should paint our bedroom...we were originally going with a French/Theater type of feel, with deep gold walls and burgundy velvet curtains, and a fleur-de-lis border by the ceiling.
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