That's Just Speechie!

The wandering ramblings of a Speechie Student at the UofA.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Day One in Prague

Excuse while I check my traveller's guide...

Oh yes,

Dobry den.

Good afternoon from beautiful Prague, and one tired traveller who's made it to suppertime on her first day on her own without actually crying yet. Yes! Score one for the good guys.

I slept late this morning, which was nice, because I don't feel jetlagged at all. *touch wood* I decided my priorities were to find an internet cafe (needed the address of my school), find my school, and find my house that I'm moving into on Sunday. The hotel shuttles you to the metro station, and I knew from my guidebook that I wanted an all day metro pass, so I managed that just fine. The metro is really easy to sort out here, so I think I'll stick with it whenever possible. I made it to one of the central stops, headed up the stairs, and... WOW.

The first thing to greet my eyes? du du du du du... I'm lovin' it. Yup. McDonalds. Got past that, and discovered that this city is beautiful. Even the graffiti covered buildings are beautiful. I just wandered around, staring upwards for quite awhile. I found an internet cafe, and got my addresses, and headed off to find them.

I wandered for a good 2 minutes before I realized that in Prague, maps are necessary. Nothing is numbered. Everything is names. Like an entire city of the Centennial neighborhood. Not so good for me. I got a map. Next problem. I have lost any sense of direction I might once have had. I cannot for the life of me figure out basic N, S, E, W. As you might guess, I took a while to find my school! But find it I did, and it's in this nice little courtyard; I'll take pictures. Then, Dana from the school highlighted my map to show me where the house is. It's right out in the burbs, but is near a metro station. I masterly took the metro (just reminding you that I'm competent at something) to the last stop, and set out to find my house. In the wrong direction. Ok. Figured it out pretty quickly, turned around, and found the house.

Now I can a) ride the metro, b) get to school, c) move to the house on Sunday. Sweet! I rule! It's a bit lonely, because I haven't yet d) made any friends, but I'm going to go sit in the hotel garden and read, and then have dinner in the restaurant, and maybe I'll someone there.

I should probably go and do something that doesn't cost 3 krowns/minute. Talk to you later.

Write me!



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