Getting Ready
I wasn't particularly planning on posting in this blog until I had actually left for Europe, but then I figured maybe I wanted to check that it was working before I was on my own without my computer-gifted friends to help me out!
The past couple weeks have been crazy! Trying to pack as much as possible into boxes to be stored, working at Safeway, cleaning, trying to tie up loose ends (immunizations, anyone?), and I still have to do a mystery shopping assignment. o.O Very busy. But I'm getting more and more excited to leave... and I'm also excited for the going away party. I've been checking the weather website obsessively, and I think that it's going to be a hot, sunny day... perfect for a picnic! I can't believe the number of people that have said they will come. Hilary and I may have to do some baking to back up the cake I ordered.
Hilary found a song that I think describes how I feel about going away for so long. It's called Seasons of Love and it's from the musical Rent.
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets
in midnights, in cups of coffee
in inches, in miles
in laughter, in strife
In - five hundrder twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure a year in the life?
How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure in love.
The past couple weeks have been crazy! Trying to pack as much as possible into boxes to be stored, working at Safeway, cleaning, trying to tie up loose ends (immunizations, anyone?), and I still have to do a mystery shopping assignment. o.O Very busy. But I'm getting more and more excited to leave... and I'm also excited for the going away party. I've been checking the weather website obsessively, and I think that it's going to be a hot, sunny day... perfect for a picnic! I can't believe the number of people that have said they will come. Hilary and I may have to do some baking to back up the cake I ordered.
Hilary found a song that I think describes how I feel about going away for so long. It's called Seasons of Love and it's from the musical Rent.
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
Five hundred twenty five thousand moments so dear
Five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets
in midnights, in cups of coffee
in inches, in miles
in laughter, in strife
In - five hundrder twenty five thousand six hundred minutes
how do you measure a year in the life?
How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure in love.
It's intimidating and exciting to be going away on a trip that's so long I think I can safely call it a journey, and I like how this song (full lyrics here) describes what the important moments are going to be.
Enough. This is a long enough testing out post, and I have five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred errands to run this morning.
Catch you later!
P.S. I just want to check and make certain I know how to post pictures on here. So, for your viewing pleasure, here is an image for your viewing pleasure.

Enough. This is a long enough testing out post, and I have five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred errands to run this morning.
Catch you later!
P.S. I just want to check and make certain I know how to post pictures on here. So, for your viewing pleasure, here is an image for your viewing pleasure.

At 11:15 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
I like the blog! Very you... the background reminds me of hole punching colourful paper... keeping with our office supply theme.
At 10:41 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
Amy and I are so happy for you! You have worked very hard to get where you are and we are proud of you. You deserve this trip and I am hoping that you will experience a couple of things: first, that you will have a wonderful time as you meet new people and make new friends; second, that you will have some difficult times where you will have to rely on the person you are to get through them to see for yourself what a special and capable person you are (aka character building experiences); and third, that when you come to the fork in your road where it comes time to decide what to do next (in the big picture) that this time for you will create a very real self-confidence and sense of yourself that will be a compass for your decision to choose a path for "Elizabeth". It doesn't matter what you do, but rather that you live life in the present and that you are always true to yourself. I know of no other greater human maxim, then "to thine own self be true". My personal motto is Veritas Abundo Liberalis - through truth there is great freedom. I expect that on your travels, you will have encounters that will test who you are, Elizabeth, and I have every confidence that you will choose to "be" in a way that will let others around you see the bloom of who you are and the charcteristics that make you such a kind and loving heart. I hope that you choose to see this as a confirmation of who I think you are and how fortunate I feel to have you as sister, and take it to heart. Too often life passses us by and we miss the opportunities to be thankful for the good things in our lives. I am going to miss you, but I look forward to meeting my very european sister, "groovy, baby" (A. Powers). With all my love, Michael.
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